▬▬ ❧ school of magic — Application


❧ School of Magic

 ~Candidate application~

Username: KyoRin

Profile Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/2333

Nickname: Rin / Rinnie (Whichever suits your fancy ^^)

Activeness: 8/10


~The Candidate~

Name: Zhang Zhi Min

Nicknames: Minmin, Minzi


Birth date: 09/12/1992

Ethnicity: ½ Korean ½ Chinese

Blood type: AB

Birthplace: Singapore

Hometown: Korea

Languages: English (fluent), Chinese (fluent), Korean (fluent), Hokkien [A Chinese dialect] (conversational)



Ulzzang/model nameMin Hyo Sun











Backup ulzzang/model name: Ban Nam Gyu





Height: 166 cm

Weight: 49 kg

Clothing style: Basically, Zhi Min is willing to wear anything except for tight clothes. She is most comfortable in a t-shirt with shorts and pumps but whenever she feels more girly, she would either wear a dress that reached up to her knees or she would wear a t-shirt with either a flowy skirt or a high-low skirt. She will dress up appropriately for whatever occasion she has to go to though. Her look would tend to be more of a funky, feminine one. She also seldom dresses in baggy clothing [unless it’s her sleepwear] as she doesn't like to wear clothes that make her look sloppy or fat. For formal occasions, she usually wears a white, pink, purple, blue or black cocktail dress with a pair of heels and minimal jewellery. Her sleepwear, as mentioned above, would be an oversized shirt with a pair of shorts or track pants.

Others: She has one piercing in each earlobe and a string of musical notes tattooed on her right hipbone (http://www.casaofsantacruz.org/images/Events/Imagine/musicNotes.jpg)


~Candidate Information~

PersonalityZhi Min is a girl who does whatever she wants to do no matter the time or place. She often gets stared at because of her behaviour but she’ll just give you an innocent look and continue doing whatever she was doing as she doesn’t care about how other people look at her. Her friends often say that she is too loud, too hyper but she continues to remain the way she is, as she will not change herself for anyone. Zhi Min also has MAJOR mood swings. But be warned… She has the shortest temper is very easily irritated, when she flares up, STAY AWAY from her if not she’ll probably bite your head off or leave you with flaming red handmarks on your arms. However, if it was one of Zhi Min’s friends who made her flare up, she’ll reconcile with them in three hours max as she forgives people easily.

She is pretty stubborn though… If she wants to do things her way, she’ll go all out to make sure sure the others let her get her way. [Not through violence of course~] She is also very close to her family and friends. Another thing to note, Zhi Min strongly believes in fate and destiny. If something is destined to happen, it will definitely happen, no matter how long it takes. She is also very strongly opinionated, especially about the things or people she loves. This is mainly because she is a naturally blunt person who says whatever she thinks, sometimes even before her brain has processed her words, which may result in people getting offended. Her impulsiveness and rashness also play a part in this. She always does things without completely thinking it through. This not only causes people to possibly misunderstand her, it could also make her regret her actions later on. Her IQ though, is actually above average and she is actually pretty smart.



-Oreo Cheesecake

-SPICY food

-The colours purple and pink

-The beach

-British accents


-Shooting stars




-Denim skirts

-Waking up early

-Being teased

-Being forced to do stuff


-Being disturbed when she is concentrating on something





-Going to the arcade

-Relaxing at the beach


-Playing soccer

-Rock climbing



-Talking EXTREMELY fast when she’s excited

-Completely ignoring a person when she’s angry with him/her

-Bending and twisting my fingers when she’s nervous

-Zoning out at random moments

-Lying down on her friends or resting on them whenever she feels tired (only her close friends though)



-Being abandoned


-Disappointing the people she loves


Usage of profanities: Definitely! xD Mostly when she’s really really angry or when she’s extremely excited about something or over someone.


Trivia/Fun facts:

-Able to imitate voices quite well

-Able to talk at an extremely fast speed [something like Outsider's rapping]

-Allergic to shellfish and oranges

-Gets motion sickness easily

-Favourite Numbers: 9 and 3

-She makes a lot of her decisions based on her perceptions of what is lucky to her. Like choosing something with the number 9 or 3 in it, choosing something over the other just because it is pink or purple etc


~Magical Powers~

Unique Capabilities:

-She is has a flexible back, to the point where she can arch backwards and touch her feet

-She is also pretty strong. She has once punched made a dent in a wall when she punched it in a fit of anger.

-She can be soft footed when she wants to. She is able to creep up on someone without anybody hearing her footsteps.


How did you develop that capability:

Flexibility: She learned ballet for a few years when she was young and she managed to retain the flexibility of her back over the years.

Strength: Zhi Min was a percussionist in a concert band for four years and it required her to move heavy instruments to the various places she would be performing at. Furthermore, some of her instruments were pretty big and heavy hence, this is how she developed her strength over these few years.

Ninja-ness: This was also something she learned during her ballet years and retained up till now. 


Special Magical Capabilities: South Wing. Special powers: Glimmering mark and flight


Back Up Magical Capabilities: West Wing. Special powers: Fiery burst and incendiary bonds



Glimmering mark: 4   

Flight: 3


Fiery burst: 3

Incendiary bonds: 4


Usage Zhi Min mainly uses her powers when she is angry. She is a pretty volatile person so when she is extremely irritated or angry about something, she'll just use her powers on that thing or person. But most of the time, she would just use a small amount of it to amuse herself when she's bored or just to play around with her friends.


~Candidate's Family~

Family History: Zhi Min lived in Singapore [A country in Southeast Asia] for twelve years of her life before immigrating to Korea. Her father is a Chinese but her mother is a Korean so she has learned English, Korean and Chinese since young and is fluent in these three languages. Zhi Min immigrated to Korea because her father decided to shift his company’s headquarters to Korea after seeing better prospects in Korea for his business. Her father is actually the CEO of a company in Korea so her family is quite well off. Her parents raised her to be an independent young woman and to always be herself. Hence, Zhi Min basically had your typical childhood mostly filled with love, care and joy. But she used to be overweight and was frequently teased by her peers because of it. Thus, she is pretty sensitive with issues about her weight.

She is closer to her mother as her mother is around more often so they are able to talk more. Her father on the other hand is busy with his company so he is often not at home. However, he still takes time to bond with his family whenever he is free. Zhi Min has been a huge fan of fantasy since young so she was extremely stoked when she found out that she had magical powers and couldn’t wait to start learning about how to use them.

Father: Zhang Wen Fu




Age: 48

Occupation: CEO

PersonalityHe is a generally nice man and is quite easy to talk to. However, he is pretty bossy at times as he likes things to be done quickly and efficiently. He is also someone who can make the tough decisions and would not hesitate to do so if it meant that a greater good could be achieved. However, he loves his family very much and would try his absolute best to be a prominent and caring father figure and a loving husband to his only daughter and his wife.

Closeness: Their relationship is quite okay. That is because he is a very busy man, being a CEO and all, and hardly has any time to spend with his family. He tries his best to talk to Zhi Min and bond with her but that is only when he is free and at home, which is not often. Hence, even though Zhi Min knows deep down that he loves her, she sometimes can’t help but feel a little distant from him.

Mother: Lee Yoon Ji





Age: 47

Occupation: Housewife

Personality: She is everything a man could want in a wife, patient, caring, loving, understanding and supportive of most of his decisions in life. While at the same time, she is also quite liberal hence, it is this very trait that allows her to be so close to her daughter. However, her biggest flaw is how meek she is, unlike her daughter’s loud and passionate personality. She dislikes conflict so she would not stand up for herself or argue with someone even if she did nothing wrong in the first place. Hence, causing Zhi Min to be quite overprotective over her and would stand up for her if she sees her mother being bullied by other people.

Closeness: They are very close. Her mother is more like a best friend to her than her mother. She tells her mother almost everything and her mother always provides Zhi Min with good advice or comfort when she needs it. She is also the one who constantly reassures Zhi Min of her father’s love for her.

Siblings: Nope

Age: NA

Occupation: NA

Personality: NA

Closeness: NA


~Social Life~

Best friends: Tiffany

Age: 20

Personality: She often gets mistaken for being a as she is as direct as Zhi Min and is not afraid to say how she really feels about something. Furthermore, she is actually pretty shy around strangers, even though she doesn’t look like it, and finds it a bit difficult to talk to them. This tends to make her seem proud and antisocial even though she really isn’t. It is only after you get to know her better then you can see her true personality. She is actually a really bright and bubbly person. She is easily satisfied and isn’t clingy or over dependent on other people. She is also pretty quirky and her actions and words tend to baffle people who are not close to her. However, Tiffany is sensitive to the emotions of other people and would lend them her shoulder or try her best to cheer them up even if she doesn’t know how. She is also a very persistent person and does not believe in the concept of giving up.

Others: Tiffany and Zhi Min are actually childhood friends. They have been best friends since they were 13 when Zhi Min moved to Korea and Tiffany became her neighbour. They were both extremely happy when they found out that they were both enrolling in the same school together. Although when they found out that they were going to be in different wings, they were a little sad but quickly got over it when they realised that they could still hang out with each other every day after their lessons. They are both extremely close, to the point where one of them can finish the other’s sentence. They love being around each other and can talk about anything under the sun for a super long period of time. And they even like to tease each other, which is something only Zhi Min’s close friends can do to her without her flaring up. They also do skinship all the time as both of them are pretty affectionate people.

Friends: Ryeowook – 20, Myungsoo – 20

Ryeowook’s personality is similar to Tiffany’s. He is also bright, bubbly, affectionate, persistent and not clingy. But, he is much more outgoing than Tiffany and can talk to strangers easily. He is also not as direct as Tiffany and is in fact quite well versed in the art of subtlety. Ryeowook is actually quite popular in school as he gives off a very friendly and approachable vibe.

Myungsoo appears to be cold and indifferent to the things and people around him but that is only because he just looks that way. In actual fact, he is a pretty amicable and passionate person even though he does not express it too often. Only his close friends have seen him lose control and act hysterically as he only shows that side of him to people he’s comfortable with.

Rivals/Enemies: Her biggest rival is actually Sungmin but he is technically her love interest too x) She is also not very comfortable around Jaejoong and Bomi.


~Other half~

Love interest: Sungmin

Personality: Sungmin is a passionate and optimistic individual. He is usually quite bright and cheerful, making him very approachable. He loves to bicker with people close to him and has an excellent sense of humour, even though he does not use it often. Sungmin is also well versed in the ways of romance but he only puts his skills to use when he is absolutely sure of his feelings towards the girl. He is a very driven person and works hard in everything he does.

However, his feelings towards things and people can tend to be at the extreme end of things. If he likes something, he would really really love it. But if he dislikes something, it would probably become one of his pet peeves. Same goes with the people around him, he is very nice towards people he like but he can be quite mean to the people he doesn’t like. But the good thing is that it does not happen often and there is a possibility that his feelings towards that thing or person may change.

His relationship status: Single

How you act with one another: Sungmin and Zhi Min are actually rivals with one another. They actually dislike maybe even to the point of hating, each other due to a misunderstanding that happened when they first met. They would either completely ignore each other in the hallways or throw a random insult at the other. They would sometimes even get into fights and start using their powers against each other.

Back-Up Love interest: Yixing (Lay)

Personality: Yixing is not what you would call the sharpest nail in the box. He is always slower than the others in terms of understanding his surroundings or even detecting any change in them. But somehow, this flaw only serves to make him more adorable than he already is. He is a very loyal person and deeply treasures the people close to him. He is also a very direct person and does not like to toy with people’s emotions. He is very forgiving and does not hold a grudge easily hence, he is well liked by a lot of people. However, he is pretty gullible and is often the target of practical jokes played on him by his friends.

His relationship status: Single

How you act with one another: Zhi Min and Lay arefrom the same wing but they don’t really talk much as the opportunity never arose. He was always with his clique and she was always with hers. They would just politely nod or wave at each other if they meet in the hallways but their interaction pretty much stops there.

Exes: None

Personality: NA

How you act with one another: NA



Suggested School NameTatiana Academy of Magic, L’magical (Lol, idk… ><)

Reason why you want to enroll in the schoolI have been a huge fan of fantasy and magic since forever. So I’m naturally drawn into fics with those elements in them :) Furthermore, I totally fell in love with your description of the school and all the different wings and how the magic abilities were based on the four elements. Ahhh! I just basically love the whole concept a lot and I’m super fascinated by it~

Suggestions: Hm… Perhaps one of the students could also be overwhelmed by the curses and spells and start to turn evil. Then he/she tries to influence the other students to turn evil too. Or maybe the school houses a huge secret of some sort (maybe an ancient artefact or mythical object) that requires all the students to work together in order to find it as it is something that would ensure their victory in the war. And then the students go through a ton of trials, traps, puzzles and tribulations before they finally find that object. (I actually copied this plot idea off a tv show. Hope it’s okay… ><)

Comments: Lol, I already said pretty much everything I feel about your story in the reason section :3 Okay, I know this may sound a bit weird but I would like to thank you for putting so much thought into the intro. The powers of each wing were so detailed, unique and there were quite a number of them. It really motivated me to finish the application for this fic and not just give up halfway like I normally do for some apply fics x) I don’t know if that sounded weird but I just really wanted to say it so yeah… ^^


Others: Can I request for an epic fight scene between Zhi Min and Sungmin along with a back hug/force kiss scene?


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Reading your application made me smile a lot. Thank you for the suggestions and comments! Of course it ain't weird, I am glad readers like you appreciate it. I'll include you to the probation list tomorrow. Thank you for applying ^^