Writer's block or what?

I don't know if I fully understand the concept of Writer's block or not. Does it involve external forces or it's just within the writer himself? I do not think what I'm experiencing is writer's block.. but I think it's close.

The usual big matters i.e Kpop, fandom, fanfiction and writing, that occupied the recesses of my mind during summer are pushed at the corner and threw away like yesterday's dirt by the new knowledge (mainly composed of science: Zoology and Biochemistry). The newly acquired knowledge, however, gives my comprehension and spelling a dull edge. I think it's because of my withdrawal from reading stories and writing as well.

Although I suppose I shouldn't blame myself. With my busy schedule, the only thing left for me to do when I go home is to lay on my bed and sleep. And having one day as my only rest day doesn't help either.

So yeah. Can't write, too busy. I have a lot of ideas in stock but I can't even use them. =_= Anyone want to do it, lol? XD


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