What is this new blog system? O.O


I see we're now subscribing to blogs we want to subscribe to, but when I checked under my subscriptions, it said I didn't have any. Yet I still get notifications for friend posts?

Is it, like, you are still notified of new posts from people you were friends with before the change?

Cuuuuuz...that's the only explanation I can think of for having no blog subscriptions but still being updated about blog posts.

And, like, does that mean the people I was friends with before the change can still see/are still notified of my new posts? Or do they have to subscribe to my blog to ever be notified of my posts again?

UGH, I'M SO CONFUSED BY THIS NEW SYSTEM. Since the new system, this site has seemed a lot quieter. It's like a ghost town on this site now - WHAT HAPPENED? O.O

I don't even know who's subscribed to my blogs or whatever. I have no idea who will read this or be notified about this post, so I'm curious to see what will happen after I click 'Add Post.'

But yeah, if you understand what's going on with these blogs now...would you mind informing me how this all works? As you can tell, I'm not too good with technological transitions.(;


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I don't understand it either -_________-;
I'm subbed to you<3
You only ever got blog update notifications from your friends beforehand, so instead of saying "new blog posts" he switched to "new friend posts."

Now, if you just want to subscribe to a person's blogs solely, you can do so from their profile, without having to add them as a friend.
VampireKnights #4
i have no idea about it too-_-
idk i haven't subscribed to anyones blogs but they show up as a notification on the side under the title 'new friends posts' i thought they were wall messages but they were actually my friends blogs. do you have that? if you do i don't think its necessary to subscribe to specific peoples blogs if your already friends with them.