Kpop Problem

Ok. So. I hate a group. AS IN REALLY HATE THEM.

Say their name I get offended. See you post about them, I close the tab immediatly. 

You don't need to know who it is but I think you know who it is. I hate them because their the apple of the eye of the Company. They're too advertised. 

Is that a reason to hate them? Cause the more I see them and the more time passes I hate them even more.

I hate the fact that the group I like is close with them. I hate the fact that my kpop Bias is best friends with one of them. I hate that their on one of the MV's of another group I like.

Should I really hate them? Should I accept them like everybody says cause their 'FAMILY' or should I stick to my judgement?

Should I like them cause my friends do? Should I like them cause being an anti is so hard? Or just forget about it cause it doesn't matter. But it does matter cause It's killing me every single time I see them with the groups I like.

or Should I wait until I can finally accept them?


I really need help cause it's killing me. 


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inlovewithImChoding #1