⊰⊹☆ ℱiηal Dḯstaﬡc℮ ☆⊹⊱ || Jung Jin Ae

AFF Username: Teengirl
AFF Profile Link: Teengirl

The Name You Like To Be Refer To As: Jin Ae
Activeness: 9

Name: Jung Jin Ae or she introduce herself to strangers with only 'Jung JJ'

Jin Ae || Only her gang members and family members call her with her real name. Since only them who know her real name.

JJ || People calls her since nobody knows her real name.

Age & Birthday: 19 // December 31st, 1993
Height & Weight: 169 cm & 52 kg
Ethnicity: Korean - Chinese
Korean (Conversational) || English (Semi-fluent) || Chinese (Fluent)
Birth Place: Shanghai, China
Home Town: Seoul, South Korea

The Gang You'll Join: Camelliatix
The Girl You Wanna Be:
Girl 9
#2 Girl: Girl 10
The Power You Wanna Have: Power 6
Backup Power: Power 12
The Girl's Codename: Min (Which means sensitive and quick in Chinese. It's realated to her power (Only with power ) and personality)


Jin Ae is a normal ''. She's arrogant and cold. She's good in sports and B-Girl / Hip Hop, which made her body perfect and made her feels better than anyone else. Eventough like that she actually doesn't like rivals. She wants friends but the way she tries to make friend is wrong. Like telling nice girls about latest news or gossips it made 'normal degrees people' felt weird to talk with Jin Ae since she only talks about latest trends, topic, gossip etc. She's outgoing and fun to her friends. Well since she knows everything they're talking about. She gives information which made her 'more fun' to her friends. Mostly she tells her friends about newest kids in town. She loves to show-off so the world knows what she have etc.

She loves fame, popularity and victory. She hate losing. She's a good girl to her gang. She wants everything to be perfect in her gang. No twist and turn. She's a newspaper which made the gang knows the situation. If her gang told her any mission she'll do it without any hesistation cause she knows she's the bets and no one could stop her. Sometimes she's welcoming her death by going into rivals' area. But her adrenaline made her escapes almost every task she got. 



Jin Ae only opens her heart to family and the gang members, especially the leader. Jin Ae is detailed in anything and everything. She must know the latest news, gossips, etc. Mostly she uses her power to eavesdrop someone (Power 6). She must know everything if not she'll felt anxious and lost.She's the newspaper of the group, and she wants her gang to rule the world. She'll search news and do anything that her gang told her. But not only if the gang told her to search news. She would act by herself as long as it's right.

Jin Ae's cold but actually she's warm. She rarely smile and talk if she doesn't know anybody. But if a stranger dares to approach her and be nice to her, she'll smile. Because nobody dares to greet her cause she look cold, and he / she doesn't judge her and has the will to greet her. So, she respect them. To every gang members she's nice and kind eventough she rarely greets them. Maybe when they greet her first. She always smile in any situation. Sad, angry, happy, she always smile because her mom always told her to kept smiling and calm her nerve down. She's also very honest and sincere because her mother's personality came down to her. The point is, eventough she's cold, her true self is warm and very respectful.


01. New Era

02. Nike Dunk & Air

03. Gadget

04. Hot Chocolate

05. Hip Hop

06. Sports, especially basketball

07. Puppies


01. Alive fish

02. House lizards

03. Cats

04. Heights, she's ok with floor 15th or something very high but she won't look at the windows

05. Too 'cute' girls or the-so-called-aegyeo-queens


01. If she wants to call people she'll start with 'Ya!' first then their name.

02. If she's cornered she'll just smirk and dissapear to the other room (Power 6.)

03. Taps her feet whenever she's sitting.

04. When she don't understand Korean she'll immediately talks in Chinese or English.

05. Sleeps after doing something hard. (Exam, homework, mission etc.)


01. Dancing

02. Collecting New Era / Nike Dunk / Air

03. Teasing people

04. Playing around with her dog

05. Sports, especially basketball


01. Heights

02. Monophobia

03. If someone she like, likes other person than her

Strengths/Strong Points:

01. Minutely updated 'newspaper'

02. Very fun person to be

03. Giving people dead ends when fighting with words

04. Hiding expressions to anyone


01. Earcuff on her ears

02. Snowflake tattoo on her back of left hand

03. A quote tattoo on her back

04. Has a Yorkie and a Shih Tzu named Speed and Thunder

Name of Person You're Using: Angelababy / Angela Yeung Wing

Pictures: 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || More
Main Person #1: Hwang Yi Lin
Pictures #1: 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || More
Backup #2: Choi Eun Hee
Pictures #2: 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || More

Bestfriend: -

Im Yoon Ah || 23 || Cafe Waitress || Close friends || Yoona is really fun to be with, she understand what you say and will always give you advices. She's a kind and nice person to be. She loves to joke and laugh. Whenever Jin Ae visits her cafe she would chat with her. She's really funny and dorky. She loves to try new things without any hesitation.

Zelo || 17 || Student || Close friends || Zelo is a fun guy. He loves to hang out with Jin Ae's older bro along with the other 4 friends.

Do Your Friends Know You Have Powers: No
If Yes, How Did They Find Out: -
If No, How Will They Find Out: Never
Rival: Girl 7

Girl 7 is really stubborn and protective which made Jin Ae irritated. Whenever Jin Ae tries to attack or maybe talk with other gang members even it's not from Knoxx and Telstar, Girl 7 would seperate them like she's the 'Hero'. Well even tough Jin Ae only tries to gain news from normal non-gangster people, Girl 7 would interrupt them.

Love Interest: Luhan
Gang: Noctryllis

Luhan is a charming boy. He's very confident about himself and veyr tough. Well, Luhan is cold and mean towards other gang. He's really serious in tasks or things like that. But when it's free time, he's very talkative and playful. He cares on each members, and he's not picky.

Backup Love Interest: Baekhyun
Backup Gang: Noctryllis
Backup Personality:

He's funny and playful. Even tough he's in the hyung line, he's very cheerful. Baekhyun is a mood maker and he never fails to make people happy. He's protective towards each of the gang members and really is serious when it comes to tasks.

Relationship Status:

Luhan || Sibling-like

Baekhyun || Crushing
How You've Met/Or How You Wanna Meet:

Luhan || It's when Jin Ae just joined the gang. She found out Noctryllis is laughing very hrad. Jin Ae tries to eavesdrop them and the jokes came from a cute looking boy. Jin Ae tried to ask the boys about where's the leader and Luhan led her. They talked randomly and Jin Ae found out that Luhan is her ideal type of boys.

Baekhyun || When Jin Ae joined the gang. Noctryllis is chatting around. She ignores them and went to the leader. The leader introduces her to Camelliatix and the Noctryllis. Jin Ae was uneasy with Baekhyun. Jin Ae felt electricity jolts in her body as Baekhyun shakes his hand with Jin Ae's hand.

How Do You Act Around Another/Or Will Act Around Another:

Luhan || Luhan doesn't know that Jin Ae likes her since Jin Ae is good at hiding expressions. They talk normally eventough sometimes Jin Ae stutter.

Baekhyun || Baekhyun talks to her normally when Jin Ae tries to hide her tomato cheek and act as cold as she could cause it's her main personality.

Family Background:

Jin Ae's family was visiting the grandparents that day and they found out that her mom is pregnant for 2 weeks so they decided to live in China until Jin Ae is old enough. When Jin Ae's 5 years old her family flew back to Seoul. Jin Ae had a hard time on adapting in Seoul because her Korean is 0. She learned the basics of Korean but she felt bored so she uses English to alk and leave Korean behind. Jin Ae had a rich family. Her parents owns a Villa with the name Jung's Villa. Everyhouse were very luxurious and made from wood which made it more comfortable. Her older brother is a college boy. He's very popular with his voice and face.

Family Members:

Jung Dae Jin || 45 || Jung's Villa owner || Dad || Very ddalbabo (Someone who's weak with daughter.) he would buy anything for her daughter. But not only to Jin Ae, Daehyun too. || Alive

Jung Hyu Ra || 43 || Jung's Villa owner || Mom || She's more like a bestfriend instead of a mom. Her brain was like a 17 years old girl brain. She knows latest trends, gossips etc. She's very close to Jin Ae. But being like that doesn't means she doesn't have a motherly side. She's very sirence, respectful and warm too.

Jung Daehyun || 19 || Student || Older Brother || He's protective and kind. He doesn't care if his younger sis follows him when he hangs out with his friends. Jin Ae is a fun girl so he enjoys to hang out with her.

Are They Mutants As Well: Mom and Older Brother
If Yes, Were Powers Passed From Them/Or Skipped Generation:
Jin Ae and Daehyun got their power from their mom. Their power is same.

If No, How Did You Get Your Powers: -
If No, Do They Know You Have Powers: Her dad knows that his wife and children are not normal humans. But he still loves his family.

Question(s): I don't know, bu if something is wrong please let me know^^
Request(s): Hm...

01. After a mission or somthing Jin Ae came back with a big scar (Stabbed or anything is back to you.) she's fine with it but her gang members worries about it. She acted as if she's dying and her gang members cried but seconds later she laughed and says things like 'Gotcha' kk
Suggestion(s): Raven, Xopia (?) I can't think of anything...
Comment(s): I love the plot^^ Goodluck with you story and have fun chosing applicants!
Password(s): X-Men


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