▬▬ ❧ school of magic — Higashiyama Rie

 School of Magic

 ~Candidate application~


Username: Teengirl

Profile Link: Teengirl

Nickname: Jin Ae

Activeness: 9


~The Candidate~

Name: Japanese: Higashiyama Rie

Nicknames: Rie stylized as Rye

Age: 16 turning 17

Birth date: 31 December, 1995

Ethnicity: Japanese - Korean

Blood type: B

Birthplace: Tokyo, Japan

Hometown: Tokyo, Japan

Languages: Japanese (Fluent), Korean (Conversational), English (Semi-fluent)



Ulzzang/model name: Angelababy / Angela Yeung Wing

Links: 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || More

Backup ulzzang/model name: Kim Ah Ra

Links:  1 || 2 || 3 || More

Height: 169 cm

Weight: 57 kg

Clothing style:

Casual - 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 6 || 7 || 8 || 9 || 10

Home - 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5

Formal - 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5

Beach - 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5

Others: Ear cuff on her right ear, cherry blossom tattoo and a tattoo with her her name '東山りえ' beside the cherry blossom.


~Candidate Information~


Rye loves fame and attention, she loves popularity. Everyone likes her back then. People call her the so-called-queenka-thingy. She loves victory and want all of the people to know her. If you don't know her then she'll be mad. A perfect personality for queenka. But the thing is she wants people to know her and became her friend not rival or afraid of her. Sometime's she hates herself. But it's her personality so what?

At the age of 16 she enters a school that trains people who have superpower and joins the South Wings which is place for joker and all of those types. They doesn't care about winning as long as they participate and it annoys Rye. She hates it because South Wings rarely wins in competition, she thought that she deserved being in more famous class. Knowing that she can't she try to bear it as soon as possible. She tries to make friends and being nice to each other. 

Hence now she's fun to be with and knows many information. She still has the personality of someone who loves attention but she became an joker in her class. She made people laugh eventough she's not joking around. Rye is very blunt. She speak everything that cross her mind. Complaining or even laugh by herself when studies. She just can't hold it. It's her number 1 habit which made her looked like a crazy girl. She's also the root of many prankings. She would teleport herself incase there is someone approaching her.

Rye hates to be alone she wants to be forever with her friends or families. More like she's afraid or easily gets panick when being alone which is Monophobia. Rye's temper is long cause she always tries to calm herself down but when she can't control herself she would be a monster. She would use to use her power without hesitation until someone she trust stops her. Her charismatic side is she would take anything as long as it full fill her needs. Like her friends were fighting about which restaurant should they take. Well, Rye would think that they're unmature. What? Eating anything is not making you die except it's dangerous and full of poison right?



Laughing || New Era || Nike Dunk || Hip Hop & Pop || Basketball || Dance || Cherry Blossom || Jokes || Dogs


Being alone || es || Cats || Tomato || Messy places || Slow songs || Heavy atmosphere

Dancing || Beatbox || Basketball || Joking || Sleeping || Collecting New Era & Nike Dunks


Suddenly laughs, frown etc. || If bored or confused, Rye will stare at something blankly without blinking her eyes. || Throws her alrm to the wall each morning. || Always put her head on her hand when sitting. || Immediately sleeps after doing task or works.


Being alone or Monophobia || Someone she like, likes another person || House lizards

Usage of profanities: Sometimes || When bored or fighting

Trivia/Fun facts

Very flexible

-When she met a house lizard she immediately screams and never come back to the place until it's gone

 -She sleeps in any situation

-One of the videos where Rye dancing in Japan with her friend. (With the hat.)

-Master B-Girl.

-Ever almost broke leg because of learning the 720 spin.

-Loves the number 5 and 9.


~Magical Powers~

Unique Capabilities:

-Very flexible

-Her physic is strong


How did you develop that capability

She's an ex-ballerina. But she don't wanna be so girly anymore and went to break dance. She practcied really hard in her dance course. In home her brother would teach her. Her mom would wake her at 6.30 every morning to exercise like jogging. She always sleeps for 8 hours so she have enough sleep and doesn't get too much sleep. Everything is in the schedule for Rye but her family always make it fun. By execising in different places, give anything she wants etc.

Special Magical Capabilities: South Wing - Teleport and Chain Lightning.

Back Up Magical Capabilities: West Wing - Incendiary Bonds and Phoenix.


Flight - 4

Chain Lightning - 4

Incendiary Bonds - 2

Phoenix - 1



She often use it for pranking and when she's lazy. Sometimes she uses Chain Lightning to scare her younger brother.


~Candidate's Family~


Family History:

Rye comes from an awesome family. Everything suit her. Her family is rich. People call them rich and lucky family. Her family used to live in Tokyo but moved to Gangnam. Then they moved again to Seoul and her parents build a major villa. Her dad is Japanese while her mom is Korean. Both met at a college, how sweet. Her older brother is a trouble for Rye. His friends are the so-called-kingkas who loved by anyone in his school. The thing is 50% of his friends are playboys but the other 50% are the nice and kind boys. Both 25% likes Rye, how crazy is that? Her little brother is cute and nice but a bit afraid of Rye becaause of her power. He hates lightning, that's it.


Father: Higashiyama Reiji

Age: 44

Occupation: Owns a Villa


He's kind and protective. He's a ddalbabo (A father who's weak to her daughter. Like he would do anything for his daughter.) when Rye wants this or that he would buy it for her. But Rye is not the person who would use her father's money too.

Closeness: They're close. Her father would always play with Rye's older brother and Rye. Well, since Rye's younger brother is still 3 years old. Her father couldn't do anything more than make him cry.


Mother: Lee Eun Hee

Age: 43

Occupation: Owns a Villa

Personality: She's more like a friend rather than a mom. Her brain is like 17 years old brain. She gossips and the way she talks looked like 17 years old teen. However she still have some mother personality.

Closeness: Very close. Like a bestfriend.



-Higashiyama Shinji

-Higashiyama Seiji


Age: 18

Occupation: Student

Personality: Rude, wild and has many fans. He could be kind but you must be a fun person.

Closeness: Thiiiiiis close since both collect New Air and Nike Dunk together.


Age: 3

Occupation: Student

Personality: Fussy but funny. He loves pororo.

Closeness: Close but not that close since Seiji often play outside the house with his own friends.


~Social Life~

Best friends: Sunny

Age: 18

Personality: Nice, kind and protective. She's full of aegyeo and laughter. She cares for Rye, she explain everything and gives information to Rye. Sunny really wants to have a sister like Rye. But she can't, so she treated Rye as a special person.

Others: When Rye decided to take the fact that her class is not her type, Sunny is the first who hang out with her and changes her. They were thiiis close. They love to joke around which made the class explode. Sunny is one of the people who could control Rye.


Friends: Hyoyeon

Age: 17

Personality: Hyoyeon is a dorky person. She loves to dance and joke. She's a long tempered girl, if anyone made her angry she'll just take it as a joke if they're from the same class. But if they're from different class, get ready to duel.


Friends: Key

Age: 18

Personality: A big hearted person. But sometimes he's the bad one. He's very very cold if another class messes with his class. He wouldn't take it easily, he wants the problem end until there's no more thoughts.


Rivals/Enemies: Suzy

Age: 17


Suzy is too confident. Being Mr. Kim's girlfriend made her look down on South Wing class. Suzy is too praising her body much much eventough she's two-faced . She's very sensitive and short tempered that's why Mr. Kim tries to praise her as much as he could.


Rye didn't do anything if she met her. Rye is stamped as one of the best trouble makers in the school. Suzy would felt like victory is on her side. Suzy's one of tecahers' favorite students so she got a bonus while Rye gor a minus. But Rye would always think how to make Suzy eats her own medicine. In fact all of the class will do that because Suzy always back stabbed Mr. Kim but Mr. Kim is too paralyzed with Suzy's beauty.



~Other half~

Love interest: Baekhyun


He acts like maknae eventough he's in the hyung line. He's a caring, sweet and funny person. He loves to tease and joke. He's very playfull but serious if it's related with his friends. Baekhyun is caring too, he's very good at giving advices and make people's spirit raise just by a view sentences and a hug. (I can't think more ><")

His relationship status: Single

How you act with one another:

Rye talks and jokes normally with Baekhyun but she would squeal after Baekhyun left. While Baekhyun felt something fishy about Rye. When she talks with him she never does skinship like to the other guys. Also whenever Baekhyun smiles at her, Rye would smiled back but then she would leave to Sunny, Key or Hyoyeon.

Back-Up Love interest: Kai


He's funny in class. But out from the class his cocky bastard side shows up. He wants the fame and attention. Thanks to Ms. Bae he's very full of confidence. He's very rude too if he's outside the class but sooo so oh-so-sweet to Ms. Bae. He her hair, he hugged her. Evrything went ew. Just, don't pick a fight with Ms. Bae or else.

His relationship status: Taken by Ms. Bae Suzy

How you act with one another: Well, Rye is not so close with Kai. Because she tries to avoid Suzy as much as she could. But Kai easily get fooled. That's why Kai is Rye's number one victim, she would always prank on him. But at the same time she tried to wake Kai from his dream on Suzy.

Exes: None

Personality: None

How you act with one another: None



Suggested School Name:

-Magiconia High School (?)

-Raven Eye Academy (Why is it raven?-.-)

-Silverview Academy

-Euphenthor Academy

-Black Wood Academy

Reason why you want to enroll in the school

I was trying to look for girlgroup apply but i couldn't find one with interesting ideas so i randomly search for apply fic. Then i found this School of Magic which interest me. I tried to search for supernatural school fic like this but all of them are closed or removed so this story gains my interest. Keke~


Mystery~ Fights! Rivals! Someone like Voldemort kk! It's hard to write a fic for 12 app ya know. Sometimes you forgot what's their personality or have they talked already? And sometimes there's no equal dialouges. But anyway, write some action which frightens the applicants and end a chapter when it comes like is she dead? or what will she do next? What do they call it? Uh... hang cliff? Whatever kk.

Comments: Since it's your first apply fic. Hwaiting! It's hard to do an apply fic for some reasons kk. Have fun reading more applications!

Password: Eastwing

Others: This is my first application for like supernatural fic. I HOPE YOU LIKE MY CHARACTER (T_T) \(^^) kk. If anything's wrong please let me know~


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Hey there! I finished reading your app and there are some amendments that I hope you could make, for example: the magical powers section. The section where you possess unique capabilities, you aren't suppose to have teleport as a capability. Normal humans can't do that until they are enrolled to the school. In that section, I actually wanted you to write about what capabilities do you have as a human, before you were enrolled in the school. Because of that, you would need to make changes to the development of the skill as well. Also, on the personality section, could you write about how you were like before you were enrolled to the school. Though I am not touching a lot on that but I wish that I could write the character in an evolving manner after they are enrolled to the school. I'll include you to the probation list after you have made the changes. Do inform me when you're done with it :)