Tagged- by bomtokkuri


1. What is your absolute all-time favorite Korean Pop song?
this is really weird but my favourite song is 'im sorry' by gummy I just always find myself humming along to it and I can listen to it 
2. Do you master/know how to dance to a Kpop song by heart? If so, what?
3. Besides YG Family, what other artists/idol bands do you like?
4. Do you act the same on the internet and in real life?
no tbh im not, im a lot nicer and open minded on the internet. in real life im more black and white about things and if i meet someone i generally know if were gonna be friends straight away.i have a pretty short attention span and get bored easily-which is probably why i dont update my fics nearly enough- and a pretty twisted sense of humor which i only tend to share with my closest friends who know im only kidding- not alot shocks me.
5. What is your nationality/ethnicity?
im from new zealand
6. By now, I think everyone knows I'm prehistoric! How old are you?
im eighteen
7. What idol do you think you resemble (can be in looks or personality)?
in terms of looks i couldnt think of any and by ways of personality thats probably about the same because all i have to go by is the personality they show in public
8. What languages can you speak?
only english and i tried japanese when i was 14 but i really couldnt be bothered continuing- short attention span and all
9. Teehee, have to ask: What is your first impression of me? (good/bad-- go for it. I don't mind)
i thought you were very thorough and descriptive in your writing - thats probably all i have to go by because i dont talk to many people on here hehehe xD
10. Where do you want to travel to the most?
ive always wanted to visit rio.
11. What is your biggest dreams?
to finish highschool and start an airline travel and tourism course ive always loved the idea of being paid to travel the world 


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