♪≈ Unchained Melody Application Form (Anon Aoki)


A p p l i c a t i o n   f o r m ♫ ≈


♪≈ Really Really…

Name: I decided to do another application!! I see no one has tried out for a couple of positions yet, so I will try! ^~^ Okurah’s the name! ;)

AFF username: Okurah

Profile link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/15083

Activeness: I’m on at least once a day!


♪≈ Home Run…

Position: Girl from the Los Angeles group!! 

Full Name: Aoki, Anon (Last, First) Her stage name can be “Anonymous.” Since her name looks like it!

DOB & age: 12/12/92 (age 19)

Birthplace: Osaka, Japan

Hometown: Los Angeles, California

Ethnicity: Mostly Japanese, she’s a little Chinese and Korean.

Blood Type: Type B

Languages spoken: English, Japanese, Korean (Korean is a bit rusty!)


♪≈Real Eyes…

Ulzzang name: Koda Kumi (She may or may not be an artist! I’m sorry >_< From Japan though.)







Back-up ulzzang name: Wakatsuki Chinatsu





Height: 152 cm

Weight: 50 kg

Style: A brief description describing Anon’s style is well... She isn’t afraid to stand out or be different!! No matter which model you choose the dressing style will always go with Wakatsuki Chinatsu’s. She likes to make statements with the way she dresses.


♪≈ Lover Cop …


The name Anon or “Anonymous” is a complete contradiction when it comes to her personality. Anon is a very power-house sort of person. Things will never be boring with her around. She knows exactly how to have a good time. She’ll make friends with anyone or everyone! She is by no means shy AT ALL. She isn’t afraid to be “ugly” so she will do weird faces, she will dress casually in public... at times, she also isn’t afraid to venture outside without her usual makeup. When it’s for a special occasion though she’ll “gussy” up.

To other artists who might judge by a book’s cover, may see her as very big headed or egotistic! She seems to soak up the fame and bask in the magnificence... Some of it is true but in reality she just loves her fans and support. She always says if it wasn’t for her fans loving her she would never have become famous in the first place. The power is in the hands of the fans! 

Though she has many friends, once you become one, you’ll forever be. She takes very good care of people. Not having much of a family of her own she hangs on tight to her friends, accepting them as her makeshift family.

She is very hard to anger or sadden. She seems to laugh or joke everything serious off... Which can be very bad in some situations. When it comes to something difficult such as “scandals” she will have a hard time taking it seriously... She was never good with serious things. She would need lots of help, but she knows that’s what her “family” is for.

3 Things you like: Easy! Fan-service, Camera’s/Photography, and Sweets of any kind.

3 Things you dislike: Serious situations, Awkward silences, losing friends.

3 Hobbies: Blogging! Shopping! And designing clothes.

3 Habits: Laughing when the atmosphere is tense. (Her laugh is actually quite cute, especially when she accidentally snorts!! XD) She tugs at her hair when stressed. She makes the weirdest faces for cameras.

2 Fears: Abandonment and Heights.

Motto: Enjoy what you have while it’s there, nothing lasts forever. OR. The power is in the hands of the fans.

Trivia: Anon started out singing on the streets of Japan as a young teen. She has a total of 45 pairs of shoes! Anon is a secret “b-girl”


♪≈ Round 1…

Background: Anon Aoki was born and raised in Osaka, Japan with her twin brother Raiden. Her mother died when she was very young. Her father pretty much raised them alone. Anon is much like her father but he is much too busy working to show it. Raiden takes a little bit more of their mother’s side, being able to be serious. When the twins were around 13 years of age, their father got a job in New York (he’s the head honcho of some clothing line!) so they followed him there. While there Anon quickly grew accustomed to the fast life! The wild style, flashy streets, and never sleeping streets of New York got to her! Transforming her as long as her bro (since she controls his fashion sense) into how they are today. She street performed quite a bit in New York as well. When it came time for her to go to college she went to California majoring in design (Her brother in dance)... Who knew she’d end up singing!


♪≈ Still By Ur Side…

Family members:

Name: Aoki, Eien
DOB&age: 05/05/72 (age 40)
Personality: Power-house, energetic, hard-working.
Your relationship: Daddy!!

(Since the girl in Los Angeles needs to have a twin! He can be the same as Anon... He’s like her partner in crime! They can be the deadly duo!!)

Name: Aoki, Raiden
DOB&age: 12/12/92 (age 19)
Personality: Just like Anon but MUCH better with serious situations.
Your relationship: Twin Brother! (He’s older by a couple minutes.)



Friends: Anyone and Everyone!! XD Her brother is her ABSOLUTE best friend.


Rival: You don’t need to put this in the story! It’s just an idea!

Name: Kim Hyun-A
DOB&age: 06/06/92 (age 20)
Personality: Conniving, Judgmental, and snobby.  (Only to Anon though. She is very nice other than to her.)
Your relationship: I would say Hyun-A would feel threatened by someone who has somewhat the same style, same age, and career goal as her. Also she could not like Anon because she judged at first sight? ORRRR maybe... HyunA could fall for Raiden but since he’s constantly with Anon she could think she was his girlfriend?


♪≈ Lost In Love…

First choice (ideal type)  Ughhhhh!! I so want to put G-Dragon again! T^T But... I won’t. I’ll change it up.

Name: Cha Sun Woo (Baro)
DOB&age: 09/09/92 (19)
Personality: Dorky, Charming, and Adorable. (That’s my guess at least ^o^)
Your relationship: Friend maybe? Like I mentioned before you can never un-friend the Aokis. Maybe he can be a good friend with her twin brother?


Back-up choice (ideal type)

Name: Bang CheolYong (MIR)
DOB&age: 10/03/91 (age 21)
Personality: Hyper kid, Dorky, and Joker.
Your relationship: Friend... At first?? I don’t know... Maybe she could help them with English or Japanese? Or the other way around and they could help train her in Korean? I don’t know T^T


♪≈ E.R…

Reason why you want to be an idol/manager/choreographer/CEO? (Purple is Anon, Blue is Raiden

Reasons why I want to be an idol?! That’s easy!! 

You shouldn’t have asked her that question, you’re going to get her started! 

Shush up “Aid.” Anyways! Like I was saying before one of the main reasons I want to become an idol is because... Well I want to make my daddy proud. He’s worked SO hard to get me and my brother where we are now. 

He’s almost never home. He works so much. 

Yeah, we don’t blame him though. It’s got to be hard raising twins alone. 

Especially with us as kids. 

He takes better care of us than himself... We want to be able to repay him somehow. 

Maybe, if we work hard enough we can start supporting ourselves and not put so much on Dad. 

Yupp! When we’re famous we can send him on a vacation that lasts forever! That way he won’t work himself into a grave! 

As long as people enjoy what we have to offer I don’t see why we shouldn’t give it to them.

Yes! Give the people what they want! They’re in complete control!

Position: Anon is more of a Singer and Dancer. She can rap but that’s more for Raiden. He can dance and sing to but rapping is his specialty.

Stage name: “Anonymous” for Anon. “Aid” for Raiden. (If need be.)

Fanclub name & color: Funnily enough I guess Anon’s fanclub name could just be Anon’s or Anonymous. Maybe Black and White?

Talents: Can scarf down food in a matter of minutes. She can also mimic most people’s voices.

Persona: Fircracker!

Nickname: Hmmm... Not sure maybe Double A? As in the batteries... Okay! Never mind THAT was laaammmee~

Other works: Modeling, Designer.


♪≈ Drive…

Anything I should know: Alright! Since you mentioned a twin involved with the Los Angeles girl before, I added some info about a “possible” twin. He isn’t needed at all though XD Everything is pretty much the same with out him! If you do so happen to choose my character or want me to finish Raiden’s application... Just let me know!! I have no problem with that! 

Suggestions: Heck no! You got this girl!!

Password: Dalmatians!! 



♫ ≈ Thank you!



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Or my other choice with my other character :D
Yu Jung Roo
