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About You:

Username/ Profile Link: dino-nerd525

Name: Kiki :)


About Your Character:

Full Name: Choi Ji Soo

Nickname: Gigi/Jiji (same pronounciation), Soo/Sue (same pronounciation), G/Jee/Ji (Same pronounciation)

Age : 18

Birthday: 6/11/1994

Place of Birth: Tokyo, Japan

Hometown: Tokyo, Japan; San Diego, California; Ha Noi, Vietnam; Daegu, Korea

Nationality: Korean

Personality : Ji Soo is a very quiet, distant girl. Nobody knows much about her except her family and very close friends. Is very intelligent and obedient around most people and stays out of trouble or away from trouble makers.  Can be insecure at most times, so tries to blend in so people can't do anything bad to her or talk badly about her. Is very determined and focused, and is driven to live out her dream.  Barely ever shows it, but is secretly very funny and cute on the inside. She likes to keep this part of her away from public where she'd be thought of differently, but can't help it when she needs to raise her spirits a bit. Is very shy the first few times you meet her, but slowly and steadily opens up for you. She tries to act mature and likes to be taken seriously, unless in humorous or happy sitiuations. She isn't sentimental and doesn't get too attatched to things because of how often she had to leave her things behind whenever her family moved. Is also very organized, neat, and careful.

Persona: Smart Aleck (because she's smart)

Background: Even before she was born, Ji Soo's family has always been moving here and there due to her father's job. Ji Soo was born in Tokyo, Japan, but grew up in other places as well, mostly in San Diego, California. She hasa always acted properly in front of her family or other professionals, but secretly really wanted to be a singer and dancer everr since the age of 5. She has never told anybody, though, afraid that they would make fun of her dream that she charishes so much. Her parents are quite strict, and all three of them love each other, but just know it, they never acknowledge it and say "I love you." Ji Soo says that she is closer to her parents than most people, but still is very distant from them as well.

Likes: school, spicy foods, knee socks, contacts, reading, waking up early, organizing her things, long showers, scented candles, gag shows,  noodle dishes, snakes

Dislikes: socializing too much, when people keep on bothering her when she's trying to focus, drama, winter time, messiness, liars, braggers, when people borrow her stuff without asking, being lonely, being yelled at, wearing her glasses

Hobbies: dancing, singing, rapping (occasionally), piano, flute, gymnastics, reading

Habits: sleeping (sleep talking, walking), bites inside of cheek when in pain, snorts when laughs hard, fiddles with fingers when nervous, blinks rapidly when sad and about to cry, combing hair with fingers when bored, clenches fists when angry or upset

Trivia: -has an albino San Diego gopher snake as a pet when she lived in San Diego

-has a fear of spiders

-has never kissed anybody

-can't swim

-is very flexible

-isn't a sports fan

-is as blind as a bat without contacts/glasses

-was involved in a car accident aling with her cousin who died from it

-an only child

-favorite place she lived in was in San Diego and Ha Noi

-is at the top of her school

-has never failed one test or gotten less than an A- on a report card

-once tried to run away when 5 years old

-dealthy allergic to peanutss whenever near them or eaten them

-can speak Korean, English, Vietnamese, Japanese, and Chinese fluently



Ulzzang Name: Kim Shin Yeong

Ulzzang Picture Link: 1 2 3 4

Height: 166 cm

Weight: 49 kg

Description: A very petite, cute looking girl who sometimes wears glasses. Has sharp, doll-like features, jet black, wavy black hair. Her eyes are big brown orbs, has a tall, small nose, and pink, soft lips.

Style: Casual- 1 2 3 4 5 6

Formal- 1  3

Training- 1 2

If you also want sleepwear- 1 2

Back up Ulzzang Name: Song Mira

Back up Ulzzang Links: 1



Family: Choi Ji Sun- 48-Mother-Unemployed-Is the stricter of the two parents and just wants her to be something successful and something likely and professional. Loves her daughter and cares for her, but nevere really shows it. Doesn't tell her when she's proud of her whenever she wins an award or gets a good grade.

Choi Dong Hyuk-50-Father-Buisinessman-Is the always-busy-never-has-time-for-his-kid type of father. Doesn't pay attention to what his family does and is always out working. 

Friends: Kim Hyoyeon-22-idol (SNSD)-Is protective and caring of Ji Soo. Stands up for her and comforts her when she's sad. Treats her just like a little sister and enjoys joking around with her.

Kim Kibum (Key)-20-idol (SHINee)-Is always funny and makes Ji Soo laugh when she's down. Loves hanging around with her and messing with her.

Lee Soonkyu (Sunny)-23-idol (SNSD)- Is cute and kind, and is always there for Ji Soo whenever and wherever. Stands up for her, makes her laugh when she's down, and treats her like a sister as well.

Jung Jessica-23-idol (SNSD)- Doesn't like how Ji Soo always has the attention. Has heard of her background and thinks that the story of here parents not loving her how real families do is all a fake just to get more attention. Hates how she always gets her way- she has the grades, the talent, and the job. Also feels a bit jealous of her because of how talented she is. Not only Jessica, but Ji Soo, too, feels jealous of Jessica, but in more of an envious way.

Love Interest:

 Huang Zitao (Tao)-19-idol (EXO-M)

His Personality: Seems very charismatic and cool onstage, but offstage is verey warm and kind. Is physically strong and caring of otheres, also protective. Despite this, Tao is very cute. He is sensetive and cries often, but doesn't like to show it.

How did you guys meet? During trainee days, Ji Soo was in the dance studio practicing her wushu which she is very good at along with Tao, and the two had lunch together afterwards and became very close.

Interaction towards each other: Acts jokingly to one another, and some people think that they are already a couple, but they're just really good friends with secret feelings for each other.


Auditioning Time!

Stage name:  Soo


Singing- 1 2 

Dancing- 1 2 3 (ignore the guy in the lasst one)

Rapping- 1 2


Lastly, Any suggestions and or comments? 



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