
You don't have to read this if you don't want to... But I you want then I don't mind! Just so you know :)


*sigh* so here's the thing...

Dad is having one of his old friends over and I hate him because he treats me like I were his little personal maid!

Sorry that I have to break it to you dude, buuuut I'm not!! ><

Seriously he is so annoying and bleeeeeeeh!!!!!


And as if that isn't enough...

My ex, mr. Jerk face, wants me back...

And he keeps calling me names.. Such as: Cutie, Sweety, Hotty and so on and so on...

IT !!! I think I wrote about him in one of my other blog posts Idk whatever....

But I don' want to get together with him... I swear to God that he hadn't had someone else after me, he is like obsessed!!! ><

While I, I'm trying to find someone else that I can be together with and that makes me happy.


AAAAAAHHHHHH!!! Why can't those two idiots yous go away!!! *sigh*

Sorry for making you read all this but it helps me alot! I don't really express my feelings but here oddly enough I can....

Meeeh I'm just gonna go to bed and sleep or just go outside to get some fresh air... I need to do something ><


Oh and I am trying to update as fast as I can but right know there is alot on my mind so sorry if I take like forever to update! T-T So please just bare with me okay ^^

Jowzzey :)


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valfredsson1 #1
Unnie, u wanna talk to me? send me a pm 'kay? :(
I feel SOOO sorry for you dude.ALOT. I know how it is to be someone's ''Maid'' >,< But if you want i can..Make them disappear...Without leaving any sort of traces behind ! >:D MUWAHAHAHA! NEVER MESS WITH A PERSSON! XD