Switched Application

Application form

AFF Username:LoveLikeChocolate

Profile link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/30876

About yourself:

Name: Song Jina

Stage name/nickname:

Stage Name:Jina

Nicknames:Mama (or Umma) & Teddy

Age:  20


Birthday:October 18, 1990


Though she is very immature, demanding, spoiled, and bratty, Jina has an opposite personality ; the one that will ONLY come out to the people who are patient and strong enough to break down her exterior.

Once this personality is let out, Jina will begin to act like her true self: the louder, nicer, and caring girl. Don't be freaked, though, because this doesn't happen a lot. Jina isn't the best at giving her trust away just like that. So once a person gets it, they better take care of it, because they're only getting ONE chance at it. But she will listen to their explanation. If their explanation is reasonable or true enough, then there is a slight chance she will forgive them. But be warned: nothing will be the same ever again unless the person who made her trust break is willing enough to repair their friendship back to the way it was , or even better than it was before.

When Jina is in love with someone, the first thing she does is give it everything she has to try to make the person notice her. When that doesn't work, she'll go the other way: try to talk to him and get to know him better. If she falls even more in live with him, nothing can get in her to make him fall in love with her too. But when all else fails, that's it. She'll give up on him, and if the guy DOES truly like her, then she'll wait for him. She'll wait and see if he comes back for her. This is because Jina believes in Fate, you see. She believes that everything was put to where they are now for a reason. She believes exactly what that cheesy saying says: “If you love something, let it go. If it comes back to you, it’s yours forever. If it doesn’t, then it was never meant to be.”


Coming from a rich family and being the youngest of three, I was a spoiled child. Whenever I asked for something, my wish was granted. Because of this, I became a spoiled, bratty kid.

But my family’s treasures had to come from somewhere, right? Yes, right. My treasure came from my parents’ hard work. You see, my mom and dad were the CEOs of Song International, a company that most musical companies (i.e. SM Entertainment, CUBE Entertainment, JYP Entertainment, etc.) went to for studio recordings. Having bases in Seoul, and Incheon, South Korea, and in Los Angeles, California and Manhattan, New York, they were pretty busy traveling and making sure their business stayed intact.

Because of this, I didn’t see my parents a lot, probably only on some birthdays and the occasional three month visits every year. My Oppa and Unnie, Song Junhwa and JiYeon, both some years older than me, became the parental figures in my life. I went to them for any problems I had. I always got what I wished for, ranging from new clothes to new books.

But just because I was some spoiled rich girl doesn't mean that I'm not special only own ways. Through the 20 years of my life, I have entered a prestigious dance school and worked my way to the top, earned my black belt in Karate and got top marks in school.

Actually, JiYeon-Unnie and I even stayed in the States for a whole year to study there, with our parents' permission, of course. There, we learned to speak fluently in English, learned a little bit of Japanese, Unnie got to go to a famous vocal school, and I was able to go to a wonderful dance school.

JunHwa-Oppa was always afraid of change and because he was studying to be an architect, so he decided to stay in Seoul. But we taught him all we learned once we got home.

So all in all, I had a pretty great family: CEOs for parents of a famous company, an architect, a famous Vocal teacher, and a newbie girl group member.

Who do you live with?:

I live with my two siblings, JunHwa and JiYeon (BOTH ARE FICTIONAL!)


~ Teddy bears (Hence my nickname and Fan-club name)

~ Any products that contain strawberries (Strawberry milk, strawberry ice cream, strawberry shakes, etc.)

~ Movies that fit under the genres comedy, romance, fantasy, and drama

~ High heels, but just because I'm a bit on the short side

~ Children


~Aegyo. No. Just ... No.

~ Thunder storms, or generally rainy days

~ Big messes

~ When people fight over a dumb reason

~ When I'm wrong


~ Shopping for new clothes/books

~ Taking long walks by myself/with people she trusts

~ Listening to music

~ Playing the piano, guitar, and violin

~ Taking pictures (NOT of myself ... well most of the time..)

~ Reading/Writing

About the band:

Position wanted:Main Rapper

Group name:Forever

Group's color:White

Group's fan club name:Eternity

Your fan club name:Teddy Bears

Paired with?: Jang Hyunseung


Picture link:




Additional info's: 

Comments? Suggestions?:  @The password: WAHHH!! :3 SO TRUE!! :DDDD

Password: puccalovesgarru



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