Eternity Project Application


About the User

Username: TangNiYa

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Basic Info About the Character

Name: Choi Il Hoon
Nickname: Zayne, Hoon, Giant (reason: his height), Happy Feet
Birthdate: July 31st 1992
Age: 19/20
Height: 186cm
Blood type: A
Ethnicity: Full Korean
Hometown: Busan, South Korea
Languages known: Korean [fluent] ; Sign Language [fluent] ; English [conversational]
Appearance: Hyun Bi Hyul  1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 |


More Personal Info

Zayne is rather quiet and distant around people. He talks only when he had to and takes his time opening up to other. However, he has a big heart and is a kind of a person anyone would love to be friends with. He’s loyal, trustworthy and is a realist. He sees things the way they are but he always has faith. He sometimes goes hard on himself and is a type of a person who believes that he can do better than he’s already doing. Zayne is a very honest person and even though he hates seeing people hurt, he prefers to tell them the truth rather than letting them or pick on themselves, him or others. It’s not easy to piss him off. Zayne has a lot of patience and doesn’t hold any grudges but if someone pisses him off, he won’t go easy on them. He cares about those who are important to him and would do anything for their happiness, often putting others’ well-being before his own.
Even though he’s very mature for his years and is rather quiet, like any other young adult, Zayne has his crazy moments as well. When with his friends, he can be outgoing and dirty-minded but he’s still fun to be around. Zayne is a major risk-taker and is never afraid of experimenting with things. He easily gets bored if things are always the same so from time to time he changes stuff around like his hairstyle or the furniture in his room. He’s hardworking, fast learner and is very passionate when it comes to the things he loves to do and protective over people he loves. However, he can be stubborn at times as he has a great pride and hates showing his emotions in front of others. He likes to ‘suffer in silence’ if something bothers him and his pride would never ever allow him to cry in front of someone.

Zayne grew up in a relatively common Korean family and he had a normal childhood, his parents providing him and his siblings with everything they wanted even though they weren’t too wealthy.  He grew up in a rather dangerous part of Busan and since a young age, he has learnt how to protect himself by learning kick-boxing and a bit of gymnastics. Zayne was rather popular in high school but wasn’t a kingka, firstly because he always stood up for those who were bullied, first being his twin sister who was mute. Zayne learnt Sign Language at a young age so he can ‘talk’ to his sister.
When he was in middle school, Zayne discovered his passion for dancing and rapping. Since then he didn’t even go for a day without practicing and improving his skills. At the age of 14, he started to get involved in underground dance and rap competitions and with time he became very popular and respect amongst underground artists. During one of his performances when he was 15, a scout spotted him and offered him a spot as a trainee in an Entertainment company which Zayne gladly accepted.

+ Stars
+ Books
+ Dancing
+ Michael Jackson
+ Motorcycles
+ Changes
+ Energy Drinks
+ Ear Cuffs
+ Dominance

+ Sports

- Silence [makes him nervous]
- Small spaces [e.g. elevator]
- Crying in public
- Chocolate
- Too much attention
- Attention seekers
- Liars
- Cats

- Arguing without a reason

> Dancing
> Motorbike riding
> Gymnastics
> Kick-boxing
> Stargazing
> Reading books

> Speaks with a heavy Busan accent when nervous or angry
> Talks in his sleep
> Chews on his lower lip when nervous or worried sometimes even to the point it bleeds
> Takes long rides on his motorbike when he needs to think
> Taps his foot or fingers when he has nothing better to do

> Changes his hairstyle every now and then


Social Info (all fields below should be filled out like this: Name – Age – Occupation –Personality)

Lee Chae Rin [CL] | 
21 | Idol [2NE1] | CL is just like Zayne’s older sister but more ‘talkative’. She’s a person anyone can talk to about anything and is very fun to be around. However, if anyone messes with her friends, they mess with her and she won’t go easy on them. She often embarrasses Zayne as she’s very open-minded and teases him about how cute he looks. It’s rather annoying to Zayne but CL is the type of a person you just can’t get angry at.
Bang Yong Guk | 22 | Idol [B.A.P.] | Tough-looking guy with a great heart. He’s a very loyal friend and is very protective over people close to him. He can be very serious and hot-headed at times and it’s very hard to calm him down when he’s angry. Maybe it doesn’t seem like it but he’s very fun to be around and he’s kind of a daredevil as well as he likes to take risks.
Jung Yunho | 26 | Idol [DBSK] | A very modest and well-rounded guy. Always makes sure everything is in the right place and is very caring about the well-being of his friends. Yunho plays it tough in front of everyone but behind the glam, he’s very sensitive and passionate guy. He’s nice and polite to everyone but won’t allow anyone to attack his friends. He’s a loyal and trustworthy friend and even if it doesn’t seem like it, he’s very humorous and fun to be around.

Family members:
Choi Jun Hwa
| Father | 52 | Police Officer | Strict, old-fashioned man, not someone you want to mess with but is a caring father and very reliable.
Choi Jin Rin | Mother | 48 | Teacher | Lovely, caring, talkative woman anyone would love to have as a mother. She would support her children no matter what as long as they’re happy.
Choi Yara | 20 | Twin Sister | University Student | She can be y and outgoing at times, being the only girl in the family but she’s very trustworthy and Zayne knows he can talk to her about anything (even though she’s mute). She’s also very protective over her brothers.
Choi Jong Hoon | 16 | Brother | Idol [B.A.P.] | Mischievous and playful, Zelo loves to muck around and have dance or rap battles with his older brother. Nevertheless, he can be cute and adorable and often uses it to get what he wants. But he’s a very responsible and smart 16-year-old and is very protective over his brother and sister.

Jung Krystal
| 19 | Idol [f(x)] | She has a very bubbly personality and is very girly. She is very nice to her friends but people who don’t know her would say she’s rude and arrogant. She’s very overprotective, sometimes even possessive over those she ‘cares’ about. She would do anything to keep someone by her side and can be a real devil then. | Zayne and Krystal used to date during Zayne’s trainee days. However, even after their break up, Krystal is still extremely clingy on Zayne and often claims she still loves him. Her constant flirting and love announcements make people think her and Zayne are a couple and it annoys the hell out of Zayne because it makes it harder for him to impress his own crush.
Lee Taemin | 19 | Idol [SHINee] | Childish and mischievous, this boy is not all it seems. He can put on a cute and innocent act and actually does care about his friends but if you ever get on his black list (which is not so hard), he will make your life a living hell. He’s very bratty at times and hates when others ignore him. He likes to use aegyo to get what he wants but if that doesn’t work than he’ll do anything to make things his way. | It’s hard to believe it but Taemin is actually a bit envious of Zayne’s dancing skills and musical experience and the two have always been rivals since trainee days. Zayne has no intentions of competing with the latter but because Taemin is very close with his crush, he can’t help but feel slightly annoyed by that fact.


Love Life Info

Love Intrest: Choi Minho [SHINee]

Is your character dominate? Ofc, YES

Love scene requestHmmm…Can I request a scene when Zayne and Minho are hanging out and Krystal busts in and ruins the moment and Zayne gets angry? Thank you ^^

Previous lovers: Krystal Jung [f(x)] - Their relationship wasn't approved by SM Ent headquarters and so they were forced to break up. But even before that, Krystal was too possesive over Zayne so he was planning on breaking up with her anyway.

ual orientation: Bi


Trainee History

Previous trainee experiences
During his trainee days, Zayne continued being an underground dancer and rapper hoping to gain money for his further education. He also became a part of an underground hip-hop group ‘Soul Connection’ under a stage name DJ Zet along with his friend Bang Yong Guk. While he was a trainee at SM Ent., Zayne started going out with f(x)’s Krystal which was of course against the rules as well as being a part of ‘Soul Connection’. When SM headquarters found out, they immediately kicked Zayne out of the SM. However, Zayne’s friends helped him to get it all over and one of his friends who was a trainee in Electricity Entertainment got Zayne into the company. 

Previous companies: SM Entertainment

Years trained: SM Entertainment [2 years] ; Electricity Entertainment [1 year]

1st Position: Main Dancer

2nd Position: Main Rapper

Other careers: DJ-ing ; Underground dancer and rapper

Other talents
> Beatboxing
> Choreographing dances
> Writing Lyrics
> Plays a guitar
> Moonwalking
> Gymnastics and kick-boxing (often combines these in his dance moves)

> Dancing – specifically good at street, hip hop and break-dancing and also his specialty move is Michael Jackson’s Moonwalk
> Rapping – can rap in various of different languages as well as speed-rapping

> Beatboxing and DJ-ing



Personal Fanclub name: MoonWalerz

Personal Fanclub color: Charcoal Grey

Group fanclub name: Immortals

Group fanclub color: Cyan Blue and Indigo


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