Exo's Sister Group App


♚ Exo Planet Application
Username: dino-nerd525
Profile Link: ME! :)
♚ Basic Information
Name: Kim Young Joo
Nickname/s: Joey, Joo, Jo, Jojo
Birth Date: 3/26/1994
Age: 18
Height & Weight: Height: 165 cm; Weight: 52 kg
Birth Place: San Diego, California
Ethnicity: Vietnamese-Korean
♚ Appearance
Ulzzang Name: Kim Shin Yeong
Ulzzang Links: 1 2 3 4 5 
Backup: Kim Seul Mi
Backup Links: 1 2 3 4 5
♚ Yourself
Background: Young Joo was born in San Diego, California, moved to Korea when she was 3, and is a Vietnamese-Korean. She lives with her two younger sisters and her parents. Her parents are quite strict especially on Young Joo's acheivements. They expect her to have the best grades and work hard with anything- whether it's her instruments, grades, languages, or sports. Young Joo and her parents all love each other, yet they just know, they don't acknowledge it. As for her sisters, Young Joo believes that she should act responsible for them and takes the blame for them whenever they get into trouble. She is the one who cares for them when her parents are out and they have nobody to watch them. She'll even quit her previous plans to take care of them. They are all extremely close, and Young Joo is like a sister and a mom to them.
Personality: Young Joo is a quiet and shy girl. She doesn't really talk much and is very obedient. Young Joo doesn't really like to get into trouble that much, and avoids anyone who does get into a lot of trouble. Young Joo is very intelligent as well. She is at the top of her school and always gets good grades. People always think of Young Joo as the perfect girl. Pperfect grades. Perfect family. Perfect lifestyle. But little do they know that they're actually wrong. Young Joo works too hard. She is very detirmined and never stops working until she gets it right. She'll even stay up all night if she has to. She is extremely focused and mature, but can't help it when she needs a good laugh, or act a bit babyish at times. When that side of her does come out, though, she is really bubbly, cute, and outgoing. She tries to ignore others around her who are rude, but when they go over the top, she snaps and can't help but yell at them. She is also very protective being the oldest of three kids, and stands up for her friends when in need. She is very gentle and warm, and rarely ever gets upset. She is humorous and funny when she wants to, and is respectful and responsible in front of her family and other professionals, but when in front of her friends, she loosens up and is fun-loving.
Likes: School, children, amusement parks, magic tricks, knee socks, manga, gag shows, tae kwon do, bedtime stories, turtles, sneakers, pandas (favorite animal), decorating cakes, nerd glasses, the number 9, sweet foods, taking pictures, waking up early, Christmas time, roller coasters, volunteering
Dislikes: when she can't get something right, doing aegyo, long pj pants, high heels, big jewelry, getting a bad grade, being called perefect, being unorganized, cracking knuckles, bad hair days, trick questions, drawing, getting sick/hurt
Hobbies: dancing, singing, flute, piano, gymnastics, origami, tennis, violin, shopping, tae kwon do
Habits: snorting when laughing too hard, voice getting deeper when speaking a different language other than Korean, snoring loudly, sleep walking/talking, stretching when yawning, poking tongue on the inside of cheek when annoyed, breathing heavily when nervous, blinking rapidly when about to cry, randomly punches when scared
Trivia: Speaks: Korean, Vietnamese, English, Chinese; has a pet turtle, modeled for a year, has 20/20 vision but likes to wear nerd glasses for no reason anyways, is really cute when doing aegyo but hates doing it, has never dated or kissed anybody, loves horror movies, black belt in tae kwon do, is very flexible, was in a car accident when 4 years old but only had minor injuries, can't swim
♚ Relationships
Family: (added some in background) Mother: Vi Nguyen (pronounced Vee New win), 48, is quite strict when it comes to Young Joo's academics. She expects the most from her and is very hard-working to support her family. Doesn't show her affection becuase she thinks everyone already knows that she loves them. Was also in the car accident and faced more injuries than Young Joo but no fatal ones. She never liked the idea of Young Joo becoming famous, and still doesn't, but let her anyways because she wants her happy.
Kim Min Hyuk, 51, is more strict on sports than grades. Is the most talkative member of the family, but usually only about sports. Also doesn't show affection because of the same reason. Was a professional baseball coach but retired afterwards. He is very disorganized, yet does his best for himself and the family.
Kim Iseul, 10, is the youngest daughter and child. She is very cute and loveable, and is very easily taken care of. She tries to do things for herself and not be treated like such a child, but doesn't complain when she is treated like one. Iseul is innocent, but is very clever and sneaky.
Kim Ha Mi, 12, is very high matinence and picky, but is just happy to have a famliy to take care of her. Also tries to help Young Joo with Iseul. She loves to be called cute and have attention on herself and be praised for how well she does whenever she does something good. 
Friends: Kim Hyoyeon, 22, SNSD, is very understanding and protective of Young Joo. Is funny and outgoing. Young Joo looks up to Hyoyeon for that, and Young Joo is treated like her younger sister. Hyoyeon is nice, helpful, and respectful of others as well.
Kim Jong Dae (Chen), 19, EXO-M, is very charming and kind. Always tries to cheer everyone up and can comfort them in need. Has a great singing voice and can be shy at times, but opens up verey easily and quickly.
oo Bear: Huang ZiTao (Tao), 19, EXO-M. Looks charismatic and cool onstage, but off stage is very cute and kind to everyone. Is very shy and hard-working, and hates to let anybody down. He likes to shop, do martial arts, and do yoga. He is more of the calm guy than the more crazy, wild guy. When he gets to know you ant trust you, he is more opened up and funny. He cries a lot- even when he doesn't want to or mean to, the tears just come out for him. He also doesn't like ghost stories or horror movies. Is very emotional and sensitive, and likes the color blue and western food.
Rival/s: Nope :)
♚ The Audition
Think of this section as a REAL audition.
Were you scouted?:Yes, Young Joo entered a dancing and singing competition, and each time she won. A talent scout thought of her as very talented and good, so he gave her a flyer and told her to audition. She auditioned in 2008 in Seoul, Korea.
Singing: 1 2 Unless you want it in Korean: 3 4
Dancing: 1 2
Rapping: 1 2 
Training Years: 3
♚ The Fame
Stage Name: Joey
Persona: Smart Aleck (Because she's so smart) or Foreseer if you want it to do with her power
Male Counterpart: Suho | Chanyeol | D.O. | Baekhyun | Kai | Sehun | Kris | Xiumin | Luhan | Lay | Chen | Tao{ Hightlight your most wanted in blue, and choose 2 others just in case and hightlight those in gray. }
Power: Able to see into future, backup: super speed
Symbol:An eye; Eyeball
Individual Fanclub Name: Psychics
♚ Exo-?
Name Suggestion: Uhhhhh.... Exo-A for Amereica, Exo-V for Vietnam, Exo-J for Japan
Song/s Suggestion/s: Sorry, no :(
♚ Anything Else?
Comments: Thanks sooooo much for looking at my application, I wish you luck with this story, and I hope you pick me! FIGHTING~!
Password: exo k m gif


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