Calling on JazzyJazzmine!!! Review for Vampire Academy!

JazzyJazzmine- Vampire Academy
Story Link:
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► Title: 3/5

► Characters (Depends if they follow their roles completely): 4/5

► Description and foreward: 20/25
(The forward didn't talk about the story really. But don't worry)

► Poster/Banner/BG/whatever: 3/10 
(It only looks like a regular picture from one of their twitters)

► Originality: 3/5

(I've seen this kind of story before)

► Grammar: 8/10

(It was just about perfect)

► Writing style: 9/10

(It was very good. Just needs a tiny bit more detail)

► Flow:10 /10

(I think that it flows pretty well, just don't jump the gun too quick.)

► Overall enjoyment: 18/20

► Bonus: 5/5

► Overall grade: 83/105
(I really enjoy it so far. I am just grading it, but I still see it as a good story. No hard feelings, I promise.)


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