Calling JingWen: My Boyfriend is a Vampire

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► Title:  0/5
Comment: This title is very overused.
► Characters:  5/5
Comment: Personally, I don't know a majority of the characters very well so I can't really rate them. ^^;
► Description and foreward:  25/25
Comment: It was very detailed and flowing. 
► Poster/Banner/BG/whatever:  10/10
Comment: It was really nice. ^^ 
► Originality:  4/5
Comment: I'm not a big fan of OC's, but that doesn't mean a story can't be mostly original.
► Grammar:  10/10
Comment: Your grammar is very good despite you saying that English isn't your first language. XD
► Writing style:  10/10
Comment: Very detailed that flows very well.
► Flow:  10/10
Comment: I thought it went through itself pretty well.  
► Overall enjoyment:  15/20
► Bonus:  3/5
Comment for Bonus: no comment
► Overall grade:  92/105
There's your review. ^^ 


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