dirty little secret || boy application


Profile: >>Here<<
NameAhn Rafael [born Rafael Lee Eusobio]
Birthdate: November 5th 1994
Age: 18
Gender Male   Female  
Rafael was the youngest child in his family and wasn’t actually planned to be born, not even after his older brother. Rafael’s parents were detectives and many of the criminals were trying to get to them. Rafael and his brother grew up under a strict protection of their parents who were too afraid of having their children kidnaped by come criminals. They would move from place to place constantly so Rafael never had many friends, only his brother. Alexander and Rafael were very close and they were each other’s only support while their parents were focused on figuring how to protect their sons.
However, all their effort and hopes were soon thrown into the wind when one day, when he was only 11, Rafael got kidnaped by some Korean group of criminals. He was held in a small, silent room, often abused to the point he would fall unconscious for days from all the immense pain. He was held captured for a long time like that, hoping that his brother or parents will come and save him but as the days, weeks, even months passed by, he started believing that he was abandoned by his loved ones.
But he wasn’t completely abandoned. While he was held captive, a certain 16 yearsboy was taking care of Rafael, bringing him food and treating his wounds. His name was Zico and he was a nephew of the bastard who planned Rafael’s capture. Zico didn’t approve of his uncle’s actions and he hated to see the poor boy suffering in the hands of the criminals. Over the 3 years Rafael was captured, the boys grew closer day by day and Zico planned out Rafael’s escape. Zico managed to get the 14 years old Rafael out of his prison and they escaped together and since then the two friends have been living together, moving from place to place so that Zico’s uncle wouldn’t find them and they even changed their identities.
Rafael was always a quiet and shy boy, never trusting anyone except his parents and his brother. He may seem uninterested, distant and arrogant at first but he’s actually not. Rafael holds a barrier around himself that is very hard to break. He does it to keep people at the distance from himself because he doesn’t want to rely on anyone as he has to be on guard and careful who he gives his trust to.

Even with his cold and careless attitude, he has a soft side of himself. He’s a real cry baby, easily gets emotional and if left alone, he wouldn’t last a day as he can’t take care of himself. He’s very kind and gentle even though he doesn’t show it often. He’s not very talkative but is a reliable and a loyal friend when he needs to be. He likes to act bubbly and cute at times but only around people he trust. Otherwise, he would use his charismatic and seduction skills to get what he wants. He can sometimes be very dirty-minded but will act blunt if his actions give off a wrong idea. He’s very stubborn and would never admit that he’s wrong. Nevertheless, he’s more of a suffer-in-silence kind of a person and prefers keeping his life and problems for himself until it cracks him from the inside. When that happens, he would prefer to have someone by his side to comfort him but he would never admit it.
♔ Appearance
Ulzzang: Guk Jang Mun
Ulzzang links| 1234
BackupJung Jun Young
Backup links| 12 |
♔ Relationships
Yang Seungho [MBLAQ] - if you accept but if not then refer to the interest below ^^

Lee Chae Rin a.k.a. CL [2NE1] – Rafael and CL/Seungho met by a mere accident. CL/Seungho was a new worker in a café Rafael loved to go to and while serving Rafael his favourite drink, he/she spilled it all over him. Since then, the two have been on bad terms. Especially when they both found out they’re going to the same school. CL/Seungho has been following Rafael around trying to apologize but Rafael finds it annoying. However, he can’t help but feel flattered with all the attention the other is giving to him. Since they’re almost always together, most people assume they’re a couple. It is sort of a one-sided love with CL/Seungho showering Rafael with affection trying to melt his cold heart. Rafael can’t deny it that he does have slight feelings for the other but because of his secrets, he doesn’t want to get too attached.
FriendsWoo Ji Ho a.k.a. Zico [Block B]
Anthony Eusobio | Father | Detective | 52 | Residence Unknown
Lee ChungMi | Mother | Detective | 48 | Residence Unknown

Alexander Lee Eusobio | Older Brother | 24 | Residence Unknown
♔ Dirty little secret
1. Rafael’s real identity is his biggest secret. When his friend helped him escape from his prison, they both changed their names and identities in hopes it will keep them safe from any criminals who were after them. Rafael’s real name is Rafael Lee Eusobio but he changed it into Ahn Rafael. He also keeps his personal life for himself as he always has to be on guard to run away if someone finds him.
2. Rafael’s other secret is that he’s not a anymore. He lost that and his dignity to god-knows-who while he was held as a prisoner. His captors would often abuse him mentally, physically and drug him to him.

Biggest fears:
Small rooms - he was often locked in rooms by his kidnapers
Silence – just makes him anxious that something will pop out of nowhere

Needles – his kidnapers used to drug him to get pleasure from him
 Anything else? 
Nope…I just hope you like Rafael ( and Carter^^ ).
GOOD LUCK and thanks for reading! :D


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