dirty little secret || girl application

Username: TangNiYa
Profile: >>Here<<
Name: Jung 'Carter' Yun Hye
Birthdate: July 31st 1996
Age: 16
Gender: Male Female  
Grade: 10
Carter was born into a typical Korean-American family in Los Angeles. Amongst her 9 years older brother Yunho and a twin sister, Carter was the youngest child but wasn't spoiled one bit. Actually since a young age she was very hyperactive. She was very talkative and outgoing and it took ages to calm her down when she was happy or wanted to do something. Nevertheless, her parents loved her and supported her. She lived a perfect life with her family even though they weren't very wealthy. Carter wasn't a queenka but was rather popular girl in school and was adored by her friends and teachers.

However, Carter’s life turned into a complete mess when she turned 14. At that time, she was very popular in her high school and she even had a boyfriend who was a trouble maker. He got Carter into smoking, drinking and partying. Carter’s parents were forbidding her to go out with this boy but of course she wouldn’t listen. One day, she was smoking in the garden of the house and her parents caught her. They had a huge fight and Carter left the house. However, that night when she decided to come back and apologize, she found the house on fire. That night, her parents and her twin sister died and Carter was forced to leave America and go live with her older brother in South Korea who already moved there several years ago.
As a kid, Carter was very cheerful, hyper and outgoing person. Everyone wanted to be friends with her and she was rather popular but that never got to her head. She was humble and responsible, even though at times she didn't seem like that. Carter was in fact, very naive and guidable. Anyone could manipulate her and that's what caused her to change in the first place.
After the death of her family, Carter distanced herself from everyone she ever knew, even her own brother who was the only person she had left. Now, Carter is a very quiet and mysterious person, keeps her thought to herself and acts cold and distant. Despite her coldness, she's very obedient person, doesn't like to fight and is not as naive as before. Even though she only talks when she has to, she's a very good listener and an advisor. However, she's very stubborn and doesn't trust people easily. But when a person is determined enough to get Carter to open up, they discover a lovely and cheerful teenage girl who is very vurnerable and insecure. Carter is trustworthy and an honest friend, she can be very fun to be around and really cares about those who are important to her even though she's scared to show it to them. She's not easy to provoke, doesn't hols grudges but with her very sharp tongue, she's not afraid to tell the truth into the person's face no matter how hurtfull it can be. Carter is not the type of a person that takes anything for granted and she doesn't tolerate people with attitude or bullies. However, even with her tough, hard-to-get attitude, she has her weak moments and she prefers to hide them. She has a great pride and would never cry in front of someone, especially a guy.
Ulzzang: Kwon Su Jeong
Ulzzang links: | 1234 |
Backup: Park Hyo Jin
Backup links: | 12 |
Choi Minho [SHINee] - Minho is a younger brother of Yunho's best friend and Carter met him when she first moved to Korea. She didn't really acknowledge him back then but Minho was determined to get to know her. Minho went to the same school as Carter which gave him an opportunity to bring her guard down. Over the years, Carter and Minho grew very close to each other. Minho is the only person the is familiar with Carter's soft, childish side but he still doesn't know her secret. They act as friends and are very protective over each other. However, they both feel the strange attraction towards each other but are too stubborn to admit it.
Friends: Lee Che Rin a.k.a CL [2NE1] ; OCs
Jung Jim Hyuk | Father | Photographer | Deceased

Jung Soo Yeon | Mother | Teacher | Deceased
Jung Ji Hye | Older Twin Sister | Deceased
Jung Yunho | Older Brother | 26 | Dance Instructor
Dirty little secret
It’s not proved but Carter is actually the one to blame for her family’s death. On the night they had that fight, she threw her cigarette onto the grass behind the house, not even thinking that it will cause the fire that will kill her family. She realized the fact that it was all her fault when she moved to Korea and since then she couldn’t face her own self in the mirror.
Biggest fears:
Fire - her family died in a house fire and every time she sees a flame (or even a cigarette) she has hallucinations of her family's desparate pleas for help
Mirror - because she blames herself for the death of her family, she can't face her own self in the mirror
Anything else? 
Hmm…Just wanted to point out that Carter doesn’t smoke anymore.
Other than that....GOOD LUCK with the story~! ^^


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