Soul on Fire - application - Wooyoung (Cherubim - Jophiel)



name: PSCHK87
name of idol (and group, if applicable) or ulzzang: Jang Wooyoung (2PM)
height: 178 cm
weight: 65 kg
blood type: B
Angel or Demon: Angel
Description: Beneath the seemingly innocent facade lies a sharp and emtremely intelligent mind. Wooyoung may wore the face of Divine Beauty but as a chief Cherubim, his wisdom was unfathomable. He was witty, clever with words and often gave delightful insight to things. He has a rather playful nature and more often than not, he masked the true meanings behind his words with humor. However playful, He was passionate and vicious in his duty, if there was a threat to the Tree of Life then he would turn into a ferocious, graceful, swift and deadly fighter. He did not like to stay idle, so he always look  for something to do.
Likes: Dance, Music & all kinds of Arts
Dislikes: Those who abuse knowledge, stupidity, spicy food
Habits: He did not like to stay idle, so he always look  for something to do.
Trivia: Even though he's friendly to everyone, Wooyoung only entrusts his true thoughts to a very few selected beings and he barely ever voice out his real concerns to anyone.
Links (3-5 good pictures):
Back-up idol/ulzzang: - 
Sphere : First Sphere
Ranking : Cherubim (Jophiel) []
Jophiel (heb. "Beauty of God") or Yofiel ("Devine Beauty")
"He is the Archangel of Paradise and the Patron of Artists and Illumination. He teaches the outer consciousness the Power of Light within oneself. He is also described as the Yellow Ray of Wisdom, Illumination, and Constancy."
"He Stirs feelings through Radiation of Illumination and into aspiration for spiritual things. He helps in absorbing information, studying for and passing tests, dissolution of ignorance, pride, and narrow-mindedness, and exposure of wrongdoing in governments and corporations. Jophiel helps in fighting pollution, cleaning up our planet and brings to mankind the gift of Beauty. He also provides inspiration for artistic and intellectual thought providing help with artistic projects and to see the beautiful things around us.

Back-up: Second Sphere - Powers 
Would you mind having a love interest within the same species?
No, as in, I don't mind. ^ ^ Bring on the fluff!
Would you mind having a love interest within another species? 
No, as in, I don't mind. ^ ^ Bring on the angst! 
Love triangle?
Sure. Bring on the drama! 
If you have applied as another demon or angel, please list them here: Junho (Archangel - Jegudiel)
If you have questions or comments, leave them here. A Shot in the Dark


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