Soul on Fire - application - Junho (Jegudiel)


name: PSCHK87
name of idol (and group, if applicable) or ulzzang: Lee Junho (2PM)
height: 178 cm
weight: 67 kg
blood type: A
Angel or Demon: Angel
Description: [As the Archangel who acted as the Laudation of God] Junho was naturally hard working, forever diligent in his duties. He does not believe that there is nothing he could not overcome or achieve through hard work. He admires those who strife for their endeavours and bring harsh judgements down upon those who tried to achieve their goals short-handedly. He was determined and decisive, almost to the point of unforgiving sometimes, but he's never rude. He is not a perfectionist who believed that everything had to be in perfect order, but he believed in working towards perfection- It was the effort that matters. He is also very active and loves all kinds of sports and challenges, having a strong competitive streak within him. He was a strightforward person who honestly speaks his mind and go for whatever he aimed for. He is usually mellow and quite friendly, but he was serious when it comes to work and could get easily annoyed or tempered when someone belittle his (or anybody else's) efforts.
Likes: Exercising, Sports & Dance, Martial Arts&Weaponry, Food, Music, Cats, Fashion (he makes efforts in dressing well as well)
Dislikes: Lack of Manners, Fashion Terrorist
Habits: Keeping a diary/journal. Taking a walk or exercise or spar/have a weapon training to work off his frustrations.
Trivia: Junho has low alcohol tolerance. He hardly drinks at all, if possible, because he would fall asleep as soon as he is drunk.
Links (3-5 good pictures):
Back-up idol/ulzzang: - 
Sphere : Third Sphere
Ranking : Archangel * Jegudiel]
The name of the sixth archangel is Jegudiel, which means the glory or laudation of God. In his right hand he holds a golden crown, and in his left – a whip made of three thongs. His duty is to guard, advise and defend, together with a host of subordinate angels, in the name of the Holy Trinity and by the power of the Cross, all those who work for the glory of God in various responsible domains of human endeavor, to reward the good laborers and punish the bad. This great celestial denizen should be appealed to with prayer by kings, military and civil leaders, judges, heads of households, etc." 
Back-up: Second Sphere - Powers 
Would you mind having a love interest within the same species?
No, as in, I don't mind. ^ ^ Bring on the fluff!
Would you mind having a love interest within another species? 
No, as in, I don't mind. ^ ^ Bring on the angst! 
Love triangle?
Sure. Bring on the drama! 
If you have applied as another demon or angel, please list them here: Wooyoung (Cherubim - Jophiel)
If you have questions or comments, leave them here. A Shot in the Dark


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