
I can't believe I'm surviving the first week of school. Senior life is boring so far. Got loads of assignments that I'm too lazy to even think about doing it.

Pardon for the rants. It's just that I had the sudden urge to satisfy my need of writing something, whether it'd be or something good. It's just that I haven't been updating my fics and I'm so absorbed in reading Volume 2 of THROAM (I can't believe that I was able to finish the whole volume 1 of it. Me, finishing a book? I never thought that those words would form one sentence without the word "not" in the middle of 'me' and 'finishing a book'. More likely never.) Back to my point, my goal is to write write write. Not planning to update one of my stories (yet) though...

maybe this is why they have twitter... or livejournal... or blogs. Sheesh.

expect that I'd be writing random stuff here starting now (and not just the stuff that i usually post. nuh-uh). Don't mean to spam though. #justsaying...


Maybe I'll even grab a real book this time. How's about Chuck Palahniuk's "Invisible Monsters"? Do they still sell that in bookstores?


I'm just really... bored.


Mood: indecision


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