Application for Fantômes Hantés University

=Contact Info=

AFF Username: TangNiYa
AFF Profile Link: >>Here<<
How many times your online: 8 - I get on every now and then (few times a day) to see if there's any new updates because I just love some of the stories on this site.

=Character's Info=
Full Name: Jung Kyu Yoon
Nickname: Carter, Know-It-All, Jung
Date of Birth: July 31st 1996
Birthplace: Sydney, Australia
Age: 16
Ethinicity: Full Korean (has an Australian citizeship)
Hometown: Gwangju, South Korea
Languages Spoken: Korean [semi-fluent], English [fluent], Sign Language [fluent], Japanese [conversational]
Height: 170cm
Weight: 50kg
Blood Type: A
Appearance/Ulzzang| 12345 |
Ulzzang Name: Jin Hye Won
At first Carter seems like a cold and distant person. She’s very quiet and talks only when she has to. She often plays hard-to-get. However, Carter is not actually as cold as it seems. She’s just very insecure in herself especially when she’s around girls. She’s kind of a tomboy because she prefers talking about fun stuff like movies and music and doesn’t like to gossip. Carter is actually very bubbly and carefree, sometimes even rebellious. She can sometimes be dirty-minded and has a very sharp tongue. She rarely thinks before saying something which often gets her into trouble. However, if she thinks she has to, Carter will take responsibility and apologize.
It may seem as if she’s arrogant but whenever she says something into a person’s face, she always tells the truth. She hates seeing people hurt but would rather see them listen to the truth than let them and pick on her. It’s not easy to piss her off but when Carter’s pissed off, it’s hard to take her down. But Carter is still very kind and gentle. She has a big heart and is a loyal and trustworthy friend. She’s always there for anyone if they need help but herself being independent, she doesn’t require anyone’s help. She’s more of a suffer-in-silence kind of a person. Carter has a great pride and would never cry in front of someone.

=Family History=\
Family Members
Father: Jung Dong Han                                         
Occupation: Police Officer
Ethinicity: Korean
Languages Spoken: Korean, Chinese

Mother: Jung Gyo Yeon
Occupation: Journalist
Ethinicity: Korean - Australian
Languages Spoken: Korean, English, Japanese, Sign Language

Step-Mother: Jung Him Nye
Occupation: Teacher
Ethnicity: Chinese
Languages Spoken: Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean

Siblings: Jung YunHo ( biological brother | 26 ) ; Jung Ji Hye ( step-sister | 16 )

Family History/Past: 
Carter’s parents got divorced before she was even born. Her mother moved to Sydney to pursue her dream to become a writer. There, eight months after she divorced, she gave birth to Carter, which was a blessing to her after leaving her 10 years old son Yunho with her husband back in Korea. Carter had a relatively normal childhood, her mother working hard to provide Carter with everything she wanted but she still gave her motherly love her daughter needed the most. Apart from being a journalist, Carter's mother worked as a translator for deaf and mute people so she taught Carter most of the Sign Language.
However, when Carter was only 8, her mother died in a car accident and she was sent back to South Korea to her only relatives she had, her father. Her father didn’t know about Carter and during the eight years of Carter’s life, he has married another woman and had another daughter of Carter’s age. Even though he disliked Carter and her existence, Carter was well accepted by her step-mother and her older brother YunHo. Her step-sister didn’t really like Carter as she felt like she has a competition but Carter never paid much attention to her step-sister. Instead, Carter loved to spend time dancing and mucking around with YunHo as she was always a lot more comfortable around guys than girls.

Why did you want to be part of this story?: I personally love ghost stories and anything that has to do with mistery...So I just wanted to try out. I found the idea very interesting and alluring ^^

What do you want to be: Student

If you chose student Junior or Senior High or College?: Senior High Student


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