Here's the Review

Title- 4/5 The title is some what interesting and gives that sort of push-pull feeling (opposites together...don't know what it's called). The "Calm Storm" part caught my attention, so I felt interested, but the part before, when read out loud, didn't sound right. It's like, when you read the whole thing out loud, it was awkward (?). Maybe that's just me, but that's what opinion I get when I first read your title.

Foreword/Description- 8/10 The description is what a description in my opinion should be: a small, summary of your story (hence the name 'description'). However, it gives a lot. By short summary. it shouldn't be talking about meeting "five men one by one who all seem to have a connection to their past" or giving away descriptive details. Instead, it should somehow be mysterious while still talking about the story. Give subtle hints like her just running away. Don't talk about why, just what. Then, in the story, you give the descriptive details and jazz it up. Don't ask questions. Most writers tend to think that this will actually make it seem more professional or more mysterious, but it pretty much gives off all of the story by asking "why she did this or that". Your fore ward played along with the title and story, so I had no complains to that.

Appearance- 4/10 ... Your poster doesn't exactly fit with the story as much as it should. Sure, there's a girl and there's the title on it, but how do you make it the poster that's for YOUR story? How do you make it unique like your story? Simple; tell them to have a rain effect, add depth on the background and add some more characters on the sides. It's not that hard to get a really great poster to match with your story (you can ask me if you have trouble finding one), but, since the person must've worked hard to get it to fit the story and I respect that, I let a bit off and moved on to the background. I have to say... your background has absoulutely NOTHING to do with the story. It doesn't give mood, doesn't give an artistic look to the story, and just doesn't fit. You have a great story, but your background just doesn't meet up to it.

Characters-  8/10 Soo Nami's personality is interesting. She feels pain for other people and has a sensitive heart in my perspective. Additionally, she is determined and has a lot of passion. Gumi is … alright. She has a nice “sisterly” feeling when you read about her, but I sometimes get confused on how I'm supposed to imagine her. She seems like she's supposed to be a cool, stern (?) woman, but you make her sound like one of those “if you just believe in magic” girl. Taemin seems to have a nice well mesh of the two, but Gumi doesn't.

Plot- 710 Your plot isn't unique... but I don't think it's cliché either. It's not really unique. I mean, I girl who runs away to achieve her ultimate passion and goes through other people's past and stuff. It's not special. However, it was interesting and it had a sort of different mood from other stories I read. Most stories with the same kind of plot are kind of...bright and the “dreams can come true” thing. Yours is more dark and had more depth. I tip my hat to you for that.

Originality- 9/10 Again,  your story isn't that original because it's the same as most stories I have read.

Grammar/Punctuation/Spelling- 19/20 You had great grammar most of the time. Sometimes you have some spelling mistakes and punctuation problems, but it only happened about once of twice. However, word of advice, if you want to tell the time on your story, you should write it like this:

In your story: “nine thirty-four pm”

What should it be: “9:34 p.m.”

You don't always have to write everything in words.

Flow- 10/10 Your flow was good. Saw no fault in it.

Overall Enjoyment- 9/10 I enjoyed your story but since I don't really like repeating plots, I mark it down a little. Just a little...

Comments- 5/5 I'm not surprised at hot many positive comments you were getting. Keep up the good work!

Overall: 74/100 Not bad. I hope you keep up the good work and have a great success to your story ><


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