Diary #3


For some reason I feel like saying these... small things that bother me here on AFF. Otherwise... who would I tell to? I don't want to bother anyone with my boring chat ahahah


Tomorrow's already friday and I didn't even see him. I saw all of his classmates, but him. Doesn't he ever get out of that study room? We are so close to each other, yet I can't see him. It's frustrating, actually. I can't take him out of my mind really x_x I'll be so sad if I don't see him tomorrow. I just want to see him. Just see him, I don't even ask to talk with him. Just... seeing him would be enough.


And tomorrow I have geometry's test! I'm done, I don't get any of that, really, but I always scored high grades! I hope it happens the same tomorrow ahah!


I'm so sick of the girls in my class, they are kids, really! 17/18 year-old kids! Except for Marta, my best friend, all of them are really childish and hysterical, even Marta says so. I really need holidays, to be apart from them for a while, I'm getting tired of them. And they are so... bad friends to each other. They backstab each other as if it was something normal, it's so stupid, they are so stupid.


Oh, summer holidays, where are you? I hope I can lock myself in my own world and forget about everyone and everything!

At least I have AFF and friends here, at least that!


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your classmates look like mine.
they do exactly the same thing to each other... :/