Interesting Arashi Dream Log #1 & #2

So, recently I've been having these interesting Arashi themed dreams. So, I thought I would share with those who might find them intriguing. Some are more detailed than others, so bare with me...also, the first one happened a few days ago so it may . xD


#1: The first dream didn't really have Arashi, it was more of a Maou themed dream. I had watched a martial arts movie before I went to bed so Naruse Ryo was someone with these amazing powers who was supposed to stop this war or something that had been going on before hand. I was someone who was supposed to protect him along with a few others. Anyway, it wasn't so much dialog based as it was physical. All of his guards but me died along the journey and well...there was romance between the two of us. What is that just when it was getting good...I woke up. xD



#2: The second dream is even more hazy!!! Actually I wouldn't really call it a was more like a steamy slide show....Anway, in my head it was images of what I thought Arashi's locker room/dressing room/etc. room looked like. It was nice because they were all half and wearing towels....

Okay! So these dreams weren't exactly the best and I'm sorry for wasting your time....but I just wanted to post something on meh blog. xP

So, here's Arashi to make it up to ya'll.



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those are better than any arashi dreams i've had xD