
Okei-dokie, this post is mostly pictures but isn't that alright sometimes?

I don't really feel like typing today. xP

But I will announce that I recently downloaded some of the cutest things ever!

They're called Shimeji or Desktop Buddies.

Here's a few pics I captures of them.

^ SakuMoto!


^ JunToshi! Yes, I know it's Kaibutsu-kun but it really does act like Ohno. *3*


 <<< SakurAiba!!!! Lol, this is when they reach the top of my screes. Poor Sho-chan is scared of heights.

I don't know why he keeps climbing to the top if he's scared. xD


I also have Double Parka Sho, One Pack Nino, and Tensai! Shimura Doubutsuen Aiba. 

Lmao. They multiplay like crazy if  I let them. :3

Oh, and they kiss! SakuMoto and SakurAiba kiss!!!! <3 <3 <3

Sakuraiba also wash each others backs, and Kaibutusu-kun changes into Naruse Ryo from Maou.

Ah, they're all so super cute it's rediculous! Now I'll never get bored while waiting for pages to load or get lonely. :3


One last thing, I finished my weird Arashi-like Tree. If any of you were wondering. (Which I'm sure is none of you. ;P)


P.S. If any one want's the links to the Desktop Buddies I can give them to you, all ya have to do is ask. Thanks for reading!!!! Bye-Bye!!!!


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oohh my gosh!!! i want a desktop buddy~!!!!!!!! kaibutsu-kun kawaii~!!!!
and that tree is beautiful~ it came out really nice :D