Diary #2



I FINISHED MY PROJECT! And handed it today a few hours ago, I'm so happy! I was going crazy yesterday, because it wouldn't render for some reason, and the render that it would make I couldn't open in any program! And then my little sister came to my computer and opened Firefox (that has a brazilian proxy, which makes it really, really slow), making the computer and the render crash. And I hadn't save anything! Thankfully, Adobe Premiere is intelligent ahahah and it auto-saved. That's what saved me, really.

I finished the report and combined all files I had work with and put it in one, so that I could hand it today.


Aw, so happy! One less thing to worry! And had Art's History test today... didn't go so well because I have a cold and for some reason, at the time I was having the test, I wouldn't stop sneezing and ended up with a red nose :P


Another strange thing...

It's really too strange.

Almost as if by coincidence, really.


I was at the gate of my school and saw my crush's (the one I told you about yesterday) teacher. His school is very far away, but there's some kind of study hall next to my school. But I was like, 'must be nothing, his teacher can have his own business around here'. And that's what I thought until my little sister got home (just now) and handed me the school's monthly magazine (she goes to the same school as him). There I saw a pic of him, where he was looking so good~~ *-* but, more than that, was saying that his class and the 12th year were going to be studying for the exams on that same study hall next to my school for this week.


This just made me nervous, really.

Was that why he was looking at me yesterday? So that I would go talk to him and he would tell me that he would be having studying sessions next to me? No way, right? Ahahah, stop dreaming Mafalda.


But isn't this too much of a coincidence?

Is God by my side? :O


I told my friend and she said 'ahahah, now you won't feel any regret, just go and talk to him!'

What if I don't see him? It will be like 'so close yet so far' AHAHAHAHAH

I actually... want to see him! 


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yes talk to him!
Good Luck!
Break a Leg!!
No.. dont break a leg... :P
-redridinghood #2
I am glad you finished your project!
and I am with your friend, go talk to him!
it will be alright, just talk!
I promise you, it will be amazing!