EXO's Guardians Application


AFF Username- TangNiYa

AFF profile link- Linky


Name- Choi Dae Rin

Age- 18

D.O.B- April 5th 1994

Languages- Korean [fluent], Sign Language [fluent], English [conversational], Chinese [basic]


Personality- As a kid she was very cheerful and a lovely girl. Dae Rin was like a mother to her family, always full of life, supportive and protective. She was always there for her family and a small number of friends. She was quiet but loved to have a laugh and she cherished everything she had. However, that side of her disappeared years ago when she was just a teenager.
Now, Dae Rin is a very quiet and mysterious person, keeps her thought to herself and acts cold and distant. Despite her cold nature, she’s a very obedient person and a very good listener.
Doesn’t talk much, doesn’t complain, and does her job with perfection. She’s the type of the person that hates mistakes and always thinks that she can do better than she’s already doing. She’s independent and hard-working. She’s smart and learns very fast. Dae Rin is not the type of a person who takes anything for granted. She’s not easy to provoke, she doesn’t hold grudges and avoids fights even when she knows she can win.
However, even with her tough, hard-to-get attitude, she has her weak moments and she prefers to hide it. She has a great pride and would never ever cry in front of someone, especially a guy. It’s not easy to gain her trust but when she opens up to someone, she expects from that person to cherish her trust and never to try and play her. If someone hurts her, which is hard because she doesn’t trust anyone to the point they could hurt her, it will take a lot of time and effort to regain Dae Rin’s trust and loyalty.

Background- Dae Rin, also known as Daye, grew up as the only girl in the family and was mostly raised by her older brothers, MinSeok and MinHo. Her mother died while giving birth to her and her father, who was mute and the only way to talk to him was a sign language, was a crazy scientist, always working his off to find cures for various diseases. Daye didn’t complain though. She liked the company of her brothers who loved her and protected her like she was some kind of princess. However, not liking to be a burden, Daye became independent at a rather young age of 10 and would often act as a mother in the house. She was then the one who supported her brothers and protected them. Of course, the discovery of her powers of healing and empathy contributed to her change in personality.
However, despite her relatively nice life at home, Daye wasn’t so loved and protected in school. Since she was going to an all girls’ school, being a common target for bullies she never had her brothers by her side to protect her. So she had to take care of herself. She would’ve survived her high school if it only wasn’t for the young PE teacher in her school. The teacher took quite a liking in Daye and one day he lured her into his office and her. During her Daye discovered another one of her powers while the teacher was touching her she could see into his soul and she figured she wasn’t his first victim.
This event broke Dae Rin. She was only 14 at the time. After her , she changed completely, not even her own brothers recognized her. She dropped out of school, she started to distance herself and she developed insomnia and even schizophrenia. Her brothers didn’t know the reason to this but when they found out they took care of the bastard. However, there was no help for Dae Rin who managed to get back on her legs but she was never the same again.


Power- Empathy (feeling what others are feeling), Healing (including reviving but she can’t revive a human being), Seeing into someone’s past/soul by just touching them or holding an item belonging to that person

How you got it- Daye was about 8 years old and being sick she had to stay at home. Her father called her into his office to give her some medicine for her flu. However, he accidentally mixed up some of the medicines and instead gave her a sample of a cure for cancer. Daye got better right after drinking it but soon found she was having strange feelings that often emphasized with the feelings of others around her. Also, she realized that every direct skin to skin contact made her either heal someone or see into someone soul which would often creep her out.


Ulzzang- Lee Da Som

Images- | 123456 |

Backup Ulzzang- Park Hye Min / Pony

Images- | 123 |


+Listening to music

-Nagy/annoying people
-Fighting for no reason
-People touching her or her things
-Crying in public

>She smokes (unfortunately) - but heals herself after every cigarette
>Learned Sign Language as a kid in hopes to talk to her father more often
>She’s good at hand-to-hand combat and also knows how to track down a person by using her empathy powers and trying to feel their emotions
>Has a long-term memory
>Used to be schizophrenic but still suffers from insomnia
>Even though she didn’t finish high school, she’s very intelligent
>Wears her mother’s wedding ring on a chain around her neck
>Throughout her life her eyes changed colour from black, chocolate brown, hazelnut, amber and now they’re green
>Has a tattoo on her collarbone saying “Sweet Hell, an Infinite Hallucination” and one of the
Sun on the back of her neck
>Her nickname Daye means light; hence why she has a tattoo of the sun
>Has a pet
dog called Dora

>Often wears gloves and covers most of her body so no one can have a direct contact with her skin (that’s how her powers work)
>Smokes only in the morning before breakfast and in the evening before dinner
>Chews her lip when worried, nervous or on the verge of crying – sometimes even to the point it bleeds
>Braids her own hair when she has nothing better to do
>Tends to stare at people she meets for the first time, observing them
>Takes long rides on her motorcycle when she feels like she needs some space

>Reading Books
>Riding a motorcycle


Who you want to protect- Kim Jong In ‘Kai’

Backup– BaekHyun | LuHan

His personality- At first he seems like a cold and arrogant person. He can be quite a brat at times. He’s self-centred and likes seeking attention which can annoy the hell out of people. He’s very stubborn and never gives up when he wants something. However, deep inside, he is a hopeless romantic with a big heart. He can be very childish at times and doesn’t like being ignored. He hates seeing people hurt and would do anything for those he cares about. When he opens up to someone, he usually opens up to people who are cold and distant themselves because he knows that behind their behaviour, there’s a sob life story. In those cases, he feels like he wants to protect them and be their shoulder to cry on.

How you two act around each other- Daye takes her job seriously and has no intentions of becoming close with her protectee. Most of the time their relationship seems like one-sided, sort of a puppy love. He’s always all over her, showering her with his affection, trying to melt her cold heart. It annoys the hell out of Daye and she often ignores him or tells him off. Even though at first it seemed like they hate each other, as the days passed they both figured that they need each other’s support. She doesn’t show it, but deep inside Daye is grateful that someone is protective over her, would do anything for her and is always there when she needs them.


Scene request- Fluffy motorbike ride scene…Her protectee (Kai/BaekHyun/LuHan) persuaded her in taking him for a ride and Daye did. They grow closer after that. :)

Comments/Suggestion- Can’t wait for the story to start :D If I need to change anything just tell me. Anyway, hope you like Dae Rin and good luck with your story~!^^


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