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Profile Link: dino-nerd525

What should I call you?: Kiki :)))

Character Information:

Character Name: Ryu Bo Bae

Nicknames: Bo

Height: 170 cm

Weight: 53 kg

Ulzzang: Kang Su Ra

Ulzzang Links: 1 2 3 4 5

Back-up Ulzzang: Park Ji Eun

Back-up Ulzzang Links: 1 2 3

Style: 1 2 3 (basic shirt and shorts)

Birthday: 4/16/1993

Age: 19

Birth Place: New York, New York

Hometown: Ha Noi, Vietnam

Languages: Fluent: Korean, Vietnamese; Basic: Japanese; Learning: English, Chinese

Personality: People describe Bo Bae as the perfect girl. Perfect grades. Perfect family. Perfect lifestyle, but little do they know that they're all wrong. Bo Bae is a very intelligent, bright girl. She is at the top of her school, is very hard-working, and keeps to herself at most times. You can always see her smiling and having a good time, playing and laughing, even if she is by herself. She knows how to pick herself up and act mature whenever adults or professionals are around, but other than that when she is with her friends, she is a ball of joy. She is obedient and polite and tries not to get into trouble. Bo Bae may joke and goof around, playing pranks and being energetic, but in time's need, she is always there for you. She is good at standing up for her friends, but not herself, and she isn't the best at comforting, either. Basically, she's mature when she needs to be. She hates getting scared- she can't sit through a minute of a horror movie without hating it, and usually gets surprised very easily. Despite her bubbly personality, Bo Bae is also extremely tough and emotionless when it comes to bullying or when people be mean to her, for she is used to it. She doesn't let her emotions show when she is sad because she wants a tough image of herself  so nobody judges her the way she doesn't want to be judged.

Family Background: Bo Bae's family is the reason why she is emotionless when she is sad on the inside. Bo Bae was born in New York and her whole family moved to Vietnam, where her mother originally came from. Although people say she has the perfect family, they don't know that they actually abuse her. Ever since her sister, her parents' favorite child, left for Australia to extend her studies, they have been putting on too much pressure on Bo Bae and force her to study more. Whenever she takes a break from studying, gets lower than an A, or stays out too late, she'll get beaten. When her parents aren't home, she would dance and sing to express her feelings and cry all day.

Likes: Pranks, Plane rides, Ice cream, Springtime, Disney, Cartoons, Lockets, Long Showers, Ribbons, Candy, Gag Shows, Teddy bears, Hello Kitty, Pororo, Dance parties

Dislikes: Horror movies, Dramas, Road trips, Waking up early, Big earrings, Full moons, Tan lines, Smoking, Truth or Dare

Hobbies: Dancing, Singing, Tennis, Collecting Hello Kitty and Pororo stuff

Habits: Stretching when yawning, doodling when bored, Tripping over own feet, Twirling hair, Cracking knuckles, Poking tongue into inside of cheek when lying, Snoring, Singing in shower, Sleep talking

Name of Love Interest: Kim Jonghyun (SHINee)

Age: 22

How did you meet: As a trainee, Jonghyun helped with Bo Bae's vocals and they became very close

Name of Back-up Love Interest: Choi Minho (SHINee)

Age: 20

How did you meet: Both guest stars on variety show and became very close

Name of Rival: Park Gyuri (KARA)

Age: 24

Reason for rivalry: The two just never saw eye to eye. They had different opinions and argued a lot, they both were jealous of eacch other's skills. Bo Bae hated how arrogant she was, and Gyuri thought that Bo Bae was a bragger and thought she showed off to much. Bo Bae was also quite popular with the boys, and Gyuri just didn't like that.


p o s i t i o n ;;


Lead Dancer: (Hyoyeon)
Main Vocals: (G.Na)

Solo Fanclub Name: Smarties (because she's very smart)

Fanclub Color: Aqua



n d i n g ;;


Password: i'vebeeninfinitized

Others?: Can I tell you my friends? Just three, or you can pick one of them, it's up to you: T.O.P (BIG BANG), Hyoyeon (SNSD), Xiumin (EXO-M) and Thanks sooooo much for reading, I wish you success with this story, even if I am not picked, and to friends reading this blog: Sorry for so many apps!


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can you choose one friend? ^^