A Writer's Needs - I need a friend in RL

I seriously need some friends who'll understand my hobby better.

Is it rare to have a friend in real life who loves Kpop, at the same time, ? Honestly, I'm having a hard time right now. It's just rare in College for me to find someone like that. Sure, they like kpop, but ? Man, it seems like a taboo of some sort. I can't really say openly that I love or write . There are things better... left unsaid. Besides, there are a lot of judgmental peeps out there to be honest.

Of course, even if I say I'm a writer and I write stories or fanfics, they'd ask me for them to read one, and hell, I can't bring them a , can I? It's not my fault I only write . :'( It doesn't make any difference if it's a girlxboy. only has the feminine boy or such. And the only difference is it has golden balls hanging between its legs. :/

I really want to spazz with that friend in real life. :| Dear me, why are all the possible friends that fit in the requirements are in virtual or in a different country? OTL. It's hard to be alone. I have no one to share my views and all that jazz. :'( Highschool was better. My friends are fine with , and some of them are Kpop, so it was all good. But it's not the same with College. -.- There's not even a proper otaku around. Well, there's this boy but he left long ago. I have some writer friends. Or not really. Just aquaintances. And they write, I write too. But sometimes it's not enough. They write het, I write . Whyyyyyy??????! My bestfriend understands my needs. However, I can't even discuss her Kpop, since she's too much of a otaku. I wish I could seek companionship on my virtual friends. I did, however, there are boundaries. We have different time slots, and even if I seek help for this and that, it's far too late. :°| And we don't have that much of an ongoing conversation like that of a real exchange of dialogue where one can reply instantly, but I understand since she has her own life to fill. I'll talk to my draw lots paper instead. Sigh. OTL


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