Jaejoong oppa !! I love you


I have no love Jaejoong? "

'I love him. "

A friend asked me, that I may love him or affordable. And I like that answer.

I love you.

I know extravaganza. But I still want to say one thing. I love you.

Love of a girl who normally awarded for a normal man.

Love of spring, summer, autumn and winter.

Love's arrogance, rage, ignorance, .

People say my love of beauty.

Left to me, his love of highly selfish.

1.Ngay House. Arrogance

I am confident and proud,

That seemed arrogant.

I'm crowded by my principles,

Seemingly impossible to break.

I am arrogant.

But then I met him. One day down.

A down day has changed all that.

Oi hot afternoon sun and warm. Seoul Olympic Stadium. I followed her you want thousands of people crammed between the groups to find his music.

And so I met him. For the first time.

He was there, on stage, raise my voice. Singing blue sky and soared, surpassing all limits, touching every corner of my heart. I was trembling in shock.

He was there, on stage and watched over the crowd surfing. Moment of touching his eyes, I uttered startled May. His eyes, seems to have something so familiar. Am I over there, guys are tired footsteps pear? Is there not me, who is confined to his own four walls between the cold? Am I over there, guys are taking pride itself envelops me? Is not I a ki, who is waving in the region alone? Yeah yeah, I'm a tired and lonely to the extreme. Like too!

And so, on that day, all my savings made before complete collapse beneath him - a strange guy. Cry. I cried. The first time I cried in a place not only my own. The first time I realized I was exhausted. The first time I feel like all my weakness hidden constants are looking pierced.

Did a summer rain? Enter your day, wash away dust bag, stripped of all lies, for once not proud, I smiled and my eyes have seen the rain.

2. Spring sunshine. Si.

My past in a long dark black streaks constantly clinging mind. I used to tell myself that can not believe anyone. Absolutely not. I own an ice covered with snow. Thick.

But the spring of that year, the first spring since I met you, ice has melted. Bit by bit, little by little.

Spring of that year, he tenderly embraced me with "Love in the Ice" and softly whispered. Lyrics are so washed in the blood vessels each, put on soft heart, soothe the scars of past hurts.

It s not my fault
When to wear his hands immersed in cold
When you bring a sigh pain
Are you scared to feel love someone?
Are you trying to ignore the real meaning of what you said?

I understand that, Kim Jae Joong

And so, my first time, placed complete faith in a man.

Because I'm drunk.

I say him.

Is he a sunny spring? Warm and bright, all around everywhere, planted a drop of love in my heart so softly, I missed off the spring back slightly dropped.

3. Autumn Breeze. Crazy.

One autumn day. Birthday. 10h30pm. Ultimate birthday gift,

It was him.

More precisely, it is an album with signatures and messages of my friends that she was pleased to take public.

Happy birthday, Yoo

Hope you happy.

Kim Jae Joong '

I am crying.


Today, I fell asleep while holding hands is the equivalent of his words. I'm dreaming of the night for hurricanes. I dream about him, about the Monday meetings. This time, he was very close, right next to me. I put my hand touched his face, hands, straw immediately became blood. In pain. Yet I still keep a hand towards him, despite the blood stops flowing?

Because we were crazy.

Me crazy.

Did the autumn wind? Rushed into my heart, right to your heart, lift me up, take you through the day most protruding.

And then you also sink down to the bottom of the abyss

4. East. Implications.

One wild winter night opportunity.

I surf the hands on the keyboard.

Kim Jae Joong * dating *

The words appear in bold red in the middle of the screen. My heart aches suddenly become cold. Space appears between the weather is freezing cold. Silence. Silent too, it seemed they hear the tears falling debris. Pain. That's all I can feel.

That night, I could not sleep.

Lights flickering between black and dark night to get angry, I sat once again turn the diary of the day so far.

"Just be happy for him, then I will be happy."

Laugh. I wrote it. Will be happy. Yeah, I'll be happy, Joongie, because I wish you happiness. It's a lie, right?

Laugh. My mother saw this, she would be very disappointed. She had advised me, that love never implications. And yet I have done the opposite.

I love .

Implications him.

5. . | Between you and I have an invisible chain links. The rope was only a slight hold. As that letter, he remember?. |

I joined a writing contest called "Show Me Your Love" I love my faith brings experience to each of the language. It read that letter, they say I love beautiful. And I won. My letter is selected to send to him.

Because of my beautiful star?

Probably so.

Dep. I love beautiful because I love silence. My love is beautiful dreams because dreams do not become that did not melt.

. | You and I both like the neckline. One way to find a way absorbed. Still another way to stand still, not close, nor away. I could keep running forever without reaching. Just close that can not intersect. Not so new but say they're beautiful neckline? |

6. One thing people do not know, that I love very selfish.

I wish his singing, where he will smile just for me. I wish him where the pain, tears of his own as well as me. I kept longing to be with him, constantly aspiring to be a step in his life as he has entered my life. Longing to the fire smoldering, spreading, spreading in every grain leather flesh, the only hearts burned into ashes. But at that time, his voice rang out again, again as fresh showers of time, forcing me to continue loving him quietly.

Thus, a cycle of selfishness that love began.

Never stopped.

7.I see you are wrong. I love you is wrong. I do not stop loving you is wrong.

My love blindly. Love my selfishness. Love hurts me.

But I absolutely do not regret my choice. I absolutely do not regret loving him.

Because I love you.


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Visual Shock is beautiful~~~Our angel will never fade, forever and always we love you Jaejoong-ah!
yOoMyCha #2
yes ^^ we share interests . oppa Jaejoong is cute , beauty ....
me love him too...^^