Recent Jongkey - Because I roll like that.



Because I felt like it.







Jongkey - "I Am" movie






Jongkey - Airports



I'm wondering if Key just changed his outfit, or if Jonghyun just always wears the same thing.

LOL ^^



key looks a little mad at Jonghyun.

But all Jonghyun has to do is act like a puppy, and Key can't help but give in. ^^











Jongkey - ShinHwa Broadcast


















Three years ago, Key bought this shirt for Jonghyun for his birthday...

And he is still wearing it to this day. Even if he has gotten too muscular to fit in it, he just has the sleaves cut off so he can still wear it. <3




P.S. I know this isn't new, but... it's just too funny. ^^

Their reactions to Minho winking. ^^







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Hahahahahaaa do funny XD
lol~ Jjong and his shirt <33

The last gif is effing funnahhh LMAO.
JongKey is totally back on~! love it. :)

the shirt thing was so sweet; I didn't know that.

And was that a die that they exchanged in the Shinwha ep? I haven't watched the second part yet.

lol to their reactions to Minho's wink (Taemin seemed to enjoy
linkxlcara24 #4
I spy Jongkey secret couple shirt!!
They are so cute together seriously! Especially lately, they've been having moments left and right ^^ I think I love them so much because they are so similar and playful together, even if they are fighting they seem like a married couple keke