Trouble Makers Application for Pika-TASTROPHE



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Tell me about urrrr charaterr :D

Name : Jung YunSeok

Nicknames : Keanu, Jung, U-Know Junior, Seokkie

Birthplace : Gwangju, South Korea

Hometown : Seoul, South Korea (lived in Gwangju until he was 3)

Age and Birthday : 18, August 10th

Star Sign : Leo

Blood type : A

Nationality : Korean

Ethnicity : Korean

Hair / eye color : Raven hair with red highlights (example) / Indigo blue eyes (wears black coloured contacts)

Height / Weight : 179cm / 53kg

Personality :
YunSeok is a rather mysterious guy. When you first meet him, he might seem cold and uninterested. He holds a barrier around himself to keep people at distance because he’s a very unsecure boy with a big heart. It may not seem so, since most of the time he acts hard to get and is sometimes rather arrogant. He has a sharp tongue and is not afraid to say something into someone’s face. However, whatever he says is always honest and truth and even though he doesn’t like seeing people hurt, he hates when others are ing or picking on him.
YunSeok takes his time when opening up to someone because he doesn’t give away his trust easily. He’s been played and humiliated before during his high school life so he’s not confident around people. But if you are determined to get to know him, then you discover than YunSeok is in fact, a person anyone would love to be friends with. He’s honest and trustworthy, cute and playful but is also very mature. He doesn’t like to attract too much attention but YunSeok loves when someone jokes around with him or simply talks to him like an adult.
He is very gentle, kind and cares about those he loves. When it comes to them, he would fight for their happiness even if it means putting his friends or family before his own life. He has a bit of that motherly behaviour and if anyone messes with his friends, he can become a hell of a . Even though he’s emotionally strong and is hard to hurt him, if something is bothering him he prefers to keep it to himself until it cracks him from the inside. But when that happens, he would prefer having someone by his side when he feels like pouring his emotions out.

Hobbies :
>Moonwalking (dance)

Likes :
>Michael Jackson
>Ear Cuffs
>Energy Drinks
>Listening to Music

Dislikes :
>His nickname Seokkie
>Horror movies
>Too much attention
>Stuck up people
>People touching his things
>Small spaces (eg. elevator)
>Arguing without a reason

Any Fears or Obsessions, Problems? :
>Mirrors (fear) – it creeps him out to thinks that he will see something in the reflection that’s not actually there
>Silence (fear) – being in a silent room just makes him nervous especially if he’s alone
>He can’t stand to see his eyes in the mirror because he has his mother’s eyes. Since he feels guilty that he hasn’t seen his mother before she died, he dislikes being reminded how much he looks like her. (problem)
>Stars (obsession) – he actually believes that his mother looks after him from the stars

Ulzzang/Looks : Park Eun Byul | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 |

Style : | 1234567 |

Trivia/ Habits :
>Wears black contact lenses so that no one can tell him that he has his mother’s eyes
>He sleep talks
>Chews his lower lip when nervous or worried, sometimes to the point it bleeds
>If the room falls silent, he HAS to make noise, otherwise he gets paranoid
>Taps his foot or fingers if he has nothing better to do
>He's a big fan of Michael Jackson
>Doesn’t really like accessories but loves ear cuffs | 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 |
>Has three tattoos : left forearm ‘I may forget how to breathe, but I’ll never forget how to love.’ ; right foot ; back of his neck
>Has a pet dog – Alaskan Malamute Dora
>Has a lot of friends that are quite older than him due to his cute but very mature behaviour
>Dislikes his nickname Seokkie because his mother used to call him like that - call him ‘Seokkie’ and he will break down (either get angry or cry)
>Knows Sign Language since his sister is mute
>Plays piano and keyboards, also knows how to DJ and beatbox

Background :
Even though he wasn’t planned to be born, YunSeok lived a relatively normal life, being a baby of the family of course. However, when he was 9 years old, his parents got divorced, literally for no reason, and YunSeok was forced to go to Philippines with his father. He missed his siblings and his mother terribly and he wanted to go back to Korea. And he did, but under harsh circumstances. When he was only 11, YunSeok’s mother died in a car crash and him and his father had to go back to South Korea to live with YunSeok’s brother and sister and to continue running a family business. The loss of his mother affected Yun Seok a lot more than anyone else in the family, causing great changes in his personality. He was often a daily target for the bullies, mainly because he was motherless and there was no one to protect him because both his siblings have already finished school. Most of his free time, Yun Seok has spent in his room, working on his dancing and rapping skills that he discovered when he was quite young under the influence of his older brother YunHo.

Family Members :
Jung Shin Hyuk | Father | 54 | Retired police officer | Stern, old-fashioned, not someone you want to mess with but is a caring father and very reliable.
Jung Ryuki | Mother | deceased at the age of 43 | Flouriest | Lovely, caring, talkative woman everyone would love to have as a mother. YunSeok was very close with her.

Jung YunHo | Brother | 26 | Idol (TVXQ) | Despite the big age difference, YunSeok and YunHo are very close and dependent on each other. Loves to jokes around, he even sometimes has dance battles with his little brother. He would do anything for those he cares about and is sometimes overprotective.
Jung Ji Hye | Sister | 23 | Teacher | Can be y and outgoing at times, being the only girl in the family but YunSeok trusts her and knows he can talk to her about anything (even though she’s mute). She’s also very protective over her younger brother.

Professional History

How Long Have you Been training? : 2 years in SM, 2 years in YG – 4 years

Trainee History :
YunSeok was an underground dancer and rapper since he was 14 and he was discovered at one of his performances by an YG representative. Even though his older brother was trying to persuade him into auditioning for SM Ent.  YunSeok decided to follow his underground companion Tempo (Big Bang’s T.O.P) and he auditioned for YG instead. After 2 years of hard training, YunSeok was meant to debut with one of YG’s new boy groups but the project was abandoned as most of the picked members dropped out. YunSeok then got an offer form SM Entertainment to train under their label and he accepted it. The last two years he’s been training in SM, YunSeok has found fairly interesting and fun. It was hard and tiring but YunSeok didn’t mind. He knew that all the swear would pay up some day.

you are a super starrrrrrr

Stage Name : Keanu

Persona Charismatic Flower Boy

Position :
Lead Dancer
Main Rapper
Jack of all Trades

Links to Position :
Dance | 1 2 3 | - in the last one focus on a guy in a white shirt with black hat and black shoes (mainly follows YunHo around)
Rap | 1 2 

Personal Fanclub name and Color : Lionesses –  Royal Blue 

Twitter/Facebook/Me2Day/Cyworld :
Twitter @wonK_Keanu | Me2Day : Keanu Jung

Side Jobs :
- worked as a flouriest in the family flower shop
- was an underground dancer and rapper under the stage name Jay
- recorded a duo mixtape with Tempo [Big Bang’s T.O.P]
- was a backup dancer for 2NE1, TVXQ and SHINee
- had a cameo appearance in Slamander Guru
Radio DJ and Actor

Languages : Korean [fluent], Sign Language [fluent], Filipino [semi-fluent], English [conversational], Chinese [basic]

Signature Move : Charismatic smile while winking and biting his lower lip (example)


Best Friends :
CL [2NE1] – While he was a trainee in YG, YunSeok had trouble with fitting into the YG family. Luckily CL, the leader of 2NE1, noticed the boy’s discomfort during the dance practice for 2NE1’s Clap Your Hands and she immediately made him feel accepted. She loves YunSeok for his cuteness and often makes him feel embarrassed with her overreactions. She’s just like YunSeok’s sister, just more ‘talkative’.
Thunder [MBLAQ] – SangHyun and YunSeok met in the Philippines, they were neighbours. SangHyun was the only person that made YunSeok’s life in Philippines less miserable than it already was. The boys share the same passion for dancing and rapping. SangHyun’s warm and welcoming personality and his loyalty to YunSeok made YunSeok open up to him.

Friends :
ChangMin [TVXQ] ; JongHyun [SHINee] ; SeungHo [MBLAQ] ; Dara [2NE1] ; T.O.P [Big Bang] ; Victoria [f(x)]

Krystal [f(x)] – Krystal is extremely clingy on YunSeok and often claims that she has a crush on him. Because of her constant flirting and clinging onto him, many people think they’re a couple which annoys the hell out of YunSeok.
MinHo [SHINee] – It’s more of a friendly rivalry. The two like to challenge each other for rap or soccer matches, sometimes maybe even dance battles. However, YunSeok sometimes finds MinHo empathize with his Charisma status a bit too much and it can annoy him a lot.

are you gay or biualBi (but likes guys more)

Crush : Zhou Mi [Super Junior-M]

Lover :
Choi MinHo | 21 | SHINee
MinHo is a definition of a gentleman. He’s kind and cares about those who are important to him. He has a big heart and hates seeing people get hurt. He loves to make other people smile and is always nice to anyone even though he's very quiet around new people and acts hard-to-get. When around his friends, he can be quite charismatic and stubborn as he likes to get what he wants. He likes seeking attention which can annoy the hell out of people. However, in his heart, MinHo is a hopeless romantic with a big heart and is very sensitive. He can be very childish at times and doesn’t like being ignored. He’s the type of person that realizes what he has only when he loses it. In those cases, he stubbornly tries to make everything right, no matter how pointless it seems. When he opens up to someone, he expects from that person to cherish his trust and never to try and play him. Still, he’s not afraid to show his emotions but will never cry in front of someone even though he often encourages others to do so, offering them a warm shoulder to cry on.

How you met :
YunSeok met MinHo for the first time during SHINee World Tour. YunSeok was a backup dancer for the group and they worked together during dance practices. However, they didn’t really talk much at that time but YunSeok already felt strange vibes whenever he saw the older guy. They first seriously talked at YunSeok’s 17th surprise birthday party YunHo prepared. Since then the two have been really good friends but nothing more. YunSeok sometimes gets annoyed/jealous when MinHo uses his charismatic and flirtatious nature too much. But if MinHo uses his charms on YunSeok then he feels kind of awkward and embarrassed. They like to compete with each other in a childish way and it’s obvious that they’re both attracted to each other. However, they’re both too stubborn to admit their feelings, claiming that they’re ‘just friends’. MinHo claims that he’s straight, while YunSeok is confused with his weird feelings for a lot older Chinese Zhou Mi.

Extra / anything I forgot : Nothing that I can think of :S

How often are you online? : Like, every day :)

Password : MinHo^^

Any comments/Suggestions : Fluffy scenes…Lot’s of fluff in the doorms and practices. *___* - And continue being an awesome author-nim! ;)

What shall their debut song be? : B.A.P. – Power

Do you want scenes? : Hell YEAH :D


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