Does He Like Me?

Hey there seskshi readers~

Because I was bored last night, I ended up watching a video on youtube called
13 signs a guy likes you
According to this video, Cole seriously likes me. Orz

Oh, and I got asked out over facebook last night.

And another boy in my class confessed to me 3 nights ago. .-.

O to the fricking TL


I doubt any of you are the same as me, but I'm going to do signs that I (<- as in me, chick typing this.) like you.

1.) I stare.
Yes, I stare at the guys I like. Not in a stalkerish way. (I hope) But I will look at you, A LOT.
When I see Jayden, I'll look at him often I'll admit.

2.) If you're around my friends, I'm there too.
Because I do lunch supervision, I usually get outside a little bit later than most my friends. Even from the doors of the school to the basketball courts, (which is probably 100 meters) I can recognize Jayden. If he's not there, I usually don't talk to them outside, because I end up with grass down my shirt or something. If Jayden is there, I'm usually there.

3.) I giggle around you. A LOT.
Ohmygod. I giggle so much OTL Even not around Jayden. But I tend to laugh more around people I'm comfortable with, due to the fact I hate my laugh. Or I crack more jokes. That too.

4.) I poke you.
I'm a person who is comfortable with physical contact. My friends aren't I guess, because they won't hug me. But If I like you, I won't like physical contact, (I'll get into a story about something that happened yesterday after this.) but I'll poke you. Just a simple poke. That would be the only kind of physical contact I would do with my crush. No hugging, nothing. Just poking.

5.) I tell you.
I'm a friggin idoit. So I usually end up telling the guy I like that I like him, and then silently yell at myself in the shower that night.

So yeh. That's how I act when I like a guy.

Oh yeah. That story.

Setting: Outside at recess, sitting on picnic table. Jayden is present.

I'm sitting beside my friend Jacob, and not really talking to anyone since I never do.

I'm sitting there not doing anything, and BAM I'm squished between Jacob and Jayden. And I mean squished. Like, left side of my body way too close then I ever want to be to Jacob again, and my right side too close to Jayden for my comfort zone. He was like, purposely squishing me too. I was trying to move closer to Jacob so I wouldn't be that close to Jayden, but Jacob wouldn't budge. So here I am, squished between this dude I'm friends with, and my crush.
Everyone was making fun of me after, because they're all like, Oh you enjoyed it! Dream come true eh?
I told them I don't like him any more.

Which I don't.

Is hot. He's cute. He's funny. OTL
Everything Jayden is, but my age.
I'm 2 days older. 2 futher mucking days.

Cole and I hung out today.
We got slushies, sat at the park, went to Tim Hortons, walked around town.
It was great.
That's when I realized.

I like him.
Not Jayden anymore. him
Cole. Cole Cole.

I told myself: No, you like Jayden.
And then Cole and I hung out, and I realized I like him.





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