My 1st Semester Schedule 8D

Of all the random things to post in a blog post... Oh well. Just a heads up. Once school starts, my time on AFF is going to get seriously cut. -.-; Our school starts next week, June 11.

Literacy Training Service (LTS) - 3 credit units

Korean 10-11 (basically, elementary Korean) - 6 credit units

Linguistics (120& 130) - 6 credit units

Phys. Ed. - 2 credit units

Philosophy - 3 credit units

History - 3 credit units

Which builds up to... 18 credit units! lol More like 23, but LTS & PE aren't really counted. They're just required. -.- The ones that count are only worth 18 units.

Just looking at the list makes my head want to explode... Korean classes are everyday (TWTHF), Linguistics classes are WF. Good thing there's a class in between or else I'm going to be spouting nonsense when I get home. 8D 

I have a bad feeling about History and Linguistics thrown in together. I feel like I'm going to be stuck doing research papers... (Writing for fun, yes. Writing schoolwork... Not so much.)

Oh well. That's that. :D 1st Semester is only for June-October anyway. lol 2nd year, here I come! xD














God help me...


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What's your major?
And we'll be taking Korean together, sort of. xD I'm taking basic Korean also.
My first semester was lots of equations and calculations since I'm an engineering major, LOL. I haven't had to do much writing except for my mythology class, but even that was minimal. My current summer class is the one I have to write the most for.
PenguinMaestro #2