Okay so here's the thing. I have nothing against JYJ fans. But I am pretty sure that Cassiopia respects TVXQ and JYJ's fans right?

So I don't think it's right for these people to bash people who love DBSK as 5! God! you guys, JYJ wouldn't be JYJ if they hadn't been part of DBSK first! It wasn't TVXQ (homin) fault if they were separated! Can't we all just support all of them and wish them all the best? without bashing each other? If you hate SM so much for hurting your idols then don't drag other fans into it.

All I ask is a bit of RESPECT to the fans, especially to the Cassies because they've loved and supported them from the start. Most of all to the five of them. Respect each and every one of them please and do not bash them because it wasn't their fault if they split up and consequently hurt each other in the process.

JYJ and TVXQ (homin) were friends for a really long time. I do not believe that they chose this kind of set up. Some people may think I am naive for still waiting for the day that they will comeback together as five but I don't give a damn!

I am a fan of DB5K and no matter what happens I will support those five boys whether they're together or not!



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newbiecassie. :) a true cassie will support all five boys whether they are together or not. and a true cassie will never get tired of waiting for that day to come. A TRUE CASSIE WILL ALWAYS KEEP THE FAITH
I do hate it too when I find people who call themselves true cassies or what fight amongst them about JYJ and TVXQ. Gosh, we don't even know what actually happened between them, so why do we ever have to fight about who's wrong or right?
Isn't it better just to support them and enjoy their masterpiece? Like how will we have time to enjoy their music if we're busy fighting over it?
sorry for this random comment, I'm glad I found another ot5 shipper. I do hope, sincerely, that someday they'll comeback as five.
always keep the faith!!!!!!