Eden Academy | Application

Eden Academy Application 


                                                                                                 Yoo Hyun Jin



contact info

aff username:  Sica--

aff profile link: Ta-dah it's Asian Monkey!

activeness:  8 to 9

nickname: Jessica or Jazz will do ^.^




basic profile

name:  Shin MinMin

birthdate:   07.03   Human Age: 19
                                  Real Age:  83

ethnicity:   German - Chinese

languages:    Fluent | German, Chinese
                       Conversational |  Korean
                       Moderate | Latin

bloodtype: Blood Type B




character in depth


MinMin is someone who likes her freedom. She's rather a wild kind of person.  She sometimes disappears for a weekend when everything gets too much for her. She also loves to go and sit under s tree and just sleeps. Yes it's something she does often. She falls asleep in lessons too for which she gets scolded a lot.
She loves to go to the woods or to wide fields when she needs a break. It's like her own little fairytale place to which she can escape to.
Besides that she actually is a person who is really spontaneous and tries to make everyone happy even it means to suppress her own wishes. She listens to everyone even when it's in the middle of the night.
She also isn't easy to annoy but when you catch her on a bad day and say something wrong, she can get mad!  Sometimes she even have her own head and way to do things but she doesn't show it very often.
When someone gives her a task, she tries to think of all possible ways to solve it even thought it takes her quite a while but she doesn't care. She thinks it's something fun to do and to keep her distracted from the boredom. MinMin is also someone who has deep thoughts she wants to find an answer to everything.
But even though she has deep thoughts, she can be totally carefree and random in the next moment.
And sometimes she is a bit old fashioned like, going to romantic places or the way she thinks about some things.

But behind all this she has a little secret she's always afraid of telling or showing someone.
Her little secret is, she a geek. A little one but still she is one. She loves to play games. If it's on a Playstation,  cellphone or PC, she loves all kind of games. She can't help herself.
It makes her forget her little worries and she can totally put her attention to the game.



MinMin 's childhood wasn't different from others. She went out to play like any other children she also was raised like that. Her mother raised her to be a bit old fashioned and to be a good wife someday while her father tried to teach or to raised her to be hard working that she'll be able to stand on her own feet and to be independent. Her brother was just like a angel watching over her but also making her go crazy sometimes.
Her father had a little Japanese shrine where MinMin had to help to take care of it when she was able to.
She also helped her out in her mother's shop on weekends or evenings.

One day she got mad because her brother took her diary to their school and read things out loud and she suddenly made an movement, created wind and the wind attacked him. Some screamed other gasped as they saw Chin Ho on the ground in pain. She ran out of the room being all scared just later on she noticed the scars on her hands. She didn't dare to look into her brothers eyes for a long time till her father used his ability to let MinMin forget and he began explain everything to her. That was when she was of the age of 9 years.
But still  MinMin was horrified. Everyone looked at her like she was a monster and began calling her "scary monster" or "emotionless being". She was mostly left alone because some were scared but her brother was there for her. After enduring this loneliness for two more years, she had been taken away from the school and was homeschooled by a private teacher and her brother. She had only one friend at that time. It was a friend of her brother.
 As MinMin turned 13 her brother Chin Ho suddenly disappeared and her parents didn't tell her where they send him to. They only told her she will see him in 2 or 3 years again.
The time passed her as she always sat at home only getting out to meet with her brothers friends. he knew about that little secret and kept it perfectly. 
On her 17th birthday, her parents gave her a formulary telling her it's the school where her brother went to.  as she read she had to leave she was unsure of going but she knew, it wasn't good to stay here either plus, she would finally see her brother again.
So she filled it out. As she asked her parents about the school they told her:
"We send your brother to this school because it's safe. We told you already about the power you carry deep within you. We found that place as we also tried to escape from the police once. People told the police something is wrong with us. Your father of course tried everything to let them forget but it were too much and they were trying to catch us. We ran and ran and suddenly ended up somewhere in the woods and found this school. The people their gave us protection for some days and we moved here. Since that day, we wanted you both to go there that you won't go through this what we have gone through" .
MinMin understood the worries of her parents.
Few weeks later, she got the acceptation and left for the school three days later. She of course was sad leaving her only trustworthy friend behind but he understood and they promised to write each other.


1) Strawberries
2) Sunflowers
3) Wide Fields
4) The smell of the rain
5) Videogames
6) Windy days
7) Music
8) Traditional old dancing like in the 50's


1) Bad smell
2) Too small rooms
3) Being in a rush or rushing people
4) disappointing people
5) unrealistic acting people
6) toilette brushes
7) party people
8) Empty promises
9) being sad
10) aggressive people


1) Photography
2) Sleeping
3) Star or clouds gazing
4) Astrology
5) Horse riding
6) Yoyo
7) Learning languages
8) Cooking



1) Rocks her feet forth and back when she waits impatiently for someone
2) Spins around while walking sometimes just to make it more interesting
3) When she's into something, her tongue sticks out, and it moves along with her movements.
4) When someone makes her uncomfortable she plays with a strain of her hair
5) She begins to stare when she's in deep thoughts thinking about something
6) Forgets what she wants to say in the middle of her own sentence  from time to time
7) When she listens to music on her IPod while walking, she walk as fast as the beat.


-  She has two more ear piercing on her left ear.
-  Hates eating fish
-  Favorite food is BiBamBap
- Her Ideal type is someone funny who cares about her and who loves her for who she is. Who takes her out to a nice set up place, and steals unexpected kisses from her from time to time.





its your time


The ability to create and control the wind: To create wind the person must be in perfect balance so the person should meditating from time to time. And they are able to make the wind flow like they want. It depends on how they move their hands. They can attack people with this ability and it's up to the user if it will hurt them or not.

Enhanced Agility: User can move how they want without any effort, They can go from one move to another effortlessly. They can do back-flips, sprint, swing from things easily and can do other kind of athletics or gymnastics.

Night Vision: People with this ability are able to see clearly/perfectly in the dark.


Symbol for the Wind:  It shows that Wind/Air is moving around us everytime. It flows and it expands.
                                         It's on her back between her scapulae/shoulder blades.

Symbol of Enhanced Agility:  It should show that that Enhanced agility User can move how they want.
                                                     It doesn't matter which way they move. It's on her belly button.

Symbol for Night Vision
: This symbol says that people with this ability can see things everytime because  the eyes are always open. This symbol is set in the neck.



When the User uses his ability, it cuts his/her hand. Because the hands are the only way to control wind so if the User want the wind to attack someone, the Wind gets sharp around the Users hands and cuts into his hands. It can get that far that if the you use it too long you can badly hurt yourself.

Enhanced agility:
If you overuse this agility, you can't nearly sit down because you body rejects to move freely. The body will hurt badly and is almost unable to move.

Night Vision:
The bad thing about this is, your eyes will get worse in seeing far. If you use it too often, it can end up that you will get blind someday.



- She move quicker than other and she nearly makes sounds. Just like a cat.
- She can listen very good and simple talking can sometimes already be too loud for her.
- She is good Fight movements like, when they start to train a new movement in Karate.



- She can be very sensitive and cry easily. She always thinks she's bad at using her powers and gets unsure she also is very unsure of her powers. She doesn't really wants to trust them when she thinks like this.

- She is bad in controlling her powers so that it won't hurt her too badly. She mostly fails at it even though she learned every single movement thousands of time.



- She has a ankle lace. It lets her pain disappear for just 2 till 3 minutes and she only is able to use it once in a month.

- One her left ear she has two more piercing which a filled with energy so when she's out of energy she can use them to give her a little boost.



love in the air


Block B - P.O
B.A.P - DaeHyun
NU'EST - MinHyun


his/her personality:

He can be very childish sometimes but he surely knows when to stop and to be serious. He's the kind of guy who can let you forget your worries right away since he has something around him which makes you forget for awhile. He is full of energy and doesn't get bored is funny. He can listen well and tries to help his close friends with their problems. He sure knows how to make people smile and is very clever without being a nerd.

DaeHyun is a little ice-block when it gets to his feelings. He doesn't really know how to show his feelings. Doesn't mean he doesn't show them at all he just doesn't know how to show all of his emotions, and how to talk about them right that's why he tries to keep quiet when he actually wants to laugh and smile and talk to his friends a lot. He is loyal to his friends and supports them everytime.

He's a good listener and comforter. He is like a big pillow who you just want to cuddle. When he doesn't know what to say or to respond he just smiles. He loves to play funny pranks on people and is a little Joker. He loves to make people smile and laugh. But actually he's like the Boy-next-door type, and totally down to-earth.

how did you meet:

It was actually an awkward kind of meeting. Her friend BaekHyun asked her to go with him for eating ice cream.
They decided to eat outside.  As they were walking around with the ice in their hands, a breeze lifted up her  skirt. And the best thing was that BaekHyun just met a friend of him and she stood infront of them.
it was awkward afterwards and Baro just introduced them to each other hoping the awkwardness to vanish.

She was at her friend's birthday party and it was starting to get wild. Everyone got slowly drunk and also MinMin wasn't the most sober anymore. She sighed as she felt she needs the restroom urgent regretting that she drank so much beer. Running of, she ran into the wrong bathroom and found DaeHyun standing on a wall watching his friend poke due the alcohol. She was worried and looked after the guy. DaeHyun denied her help but she helped anyways. Later on he thanked her still and exchanging their names.

She had been walking around the schools big yard. She had skipped her math class once again and tried finding a place where her math teacher won't find her. As she found a place she met MinHyun. He looked at her and raised an eyebrow asking her questions like "Why are you here?" "Shouldn't you be in class?" "A girl like you should be studying instead of skipping" and scolded her till she asked him what he was doing he and he admitted he was skipping too.

your relationship:

At first they were a little awkward but soon they got along with each other very well. They act really close but no one seems to try to make the first step. He acts sometimes acts cute and childish around her when she's on her bad days but normally they would smile to each other and laugh. Sometimes they kept being clumsy because the other was off guard around the other one.  They are totally relaxed when they are together. It's like no one really mattered to them like they are in their own little world.

It takes him a lot of strength to express himself right. And sometimes he says something wrong while he meant something different but MinMin didn't care, knowing his little problem so she waits for him to finish off right. She sometimes have just have to flip her hair to make DaeHyun dazzled.
They are mostly just teasing each other and be cheeky or they would ask each other questions like "What if....".

They are totally funny. They joke around and are partners in crime. They do anything together if others like it or not, they will do it.  Sometimes he would act overprotective over her like a boyfriend and can be jealous but that happens not very often or over small things. Things seem way easier with him that's why she loves hugging him or holding his hand. They just act like a couple except for the fact they aren't a couple.


his/her powers:

P.O :
Telekinesis  -> Ability to manipulate and control objects with the mind, often in ways not visible to the eye.

Power Mimicry -> Ability to copy or absorb another's power or skills.

Bone Manipulating -> Ability to manipulate the bones in one's own body. This includes, but is not limited to, the generation of new bone mass, projecting bones out from the skin or rearranging one's own bones.

his/her symbol:


(sorry there wasn't a better one >.<)




Relationship Status


Shin Min Jae - 45 years old - Mother | Lost her powers | Kind, strict,  Nags, always scold her children or husband when they do something wrong

Shin Min Ki - 47 years old - Father | Memory Manipulation | Over protective, Workaholic, Laidback , Calm

Shin Chin Ho - 25 years old - Older Brother | Empathy | Tease, protective, Cheeky, annoying (sometimes), hot tempered


BaekHyun - 20 years | Simple friend | Light| Simple to get along with, knows what he talks about, nice, funny and a bit cheeky

Chosen One^^

Chorong - 19 years old | Close friend | Reality Warping | Kind, short tempered, well mannered, bubbly, laidback

best friends:

Ren - 18 years old | Best Friend | Earth Manipulation | Can be girly, hyper , Overreacts from time to time, Caring, Straight forward


Yoona - 23 years old - Hate each other| Energy Blasts | Thinks highly of herself, Cute, Giggly, Pseudo Friendly to people she dislikes |   Because Yoona always goes pass her and throwing stupid names on her head. And just because MinMin doesn't want to do as she says. So it only needs Yoona's appearance to make MinMin go far, far away from her or leave the room.



Goodbye Baby

request: Maybe a competition where the students fight against each other without hurting the other one badly. And they only fight against students who are at the same stage as the other one.

password: Kiss - Because I'm a girl

Besides a big HWAITING! for your story I have no comments^^
And I would like to be your friend :D


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