The Game | Application

The Player

AFF Name:Sica--


The Waker

Name: Shin MinMin

Age:    21 years old

Height: 164cm


The Ulzzang I use; Yoo Hyun Jin

1     |      2      |     3     |    4

Back-up:  Do Hwe Ji

MinMin tries to find thousand of different solutions for one problem or question. She goes through everything which takes her some time. She isn't this all so cute girl. She loves the silence and freedom. And what's more important, she's lazy bum who like to sleep all day.
She has her own head and tries to solve it her way. She isn't rebellious she just doesn't want help. She of course is well mannered and such but still she isn't a easy kind of person.
It's a bit hard to get along with her but if you let her time, she opens up a bit.


Before Coma MinMin went to school like any other girl or boy at her age. She didn't study hard she just did so much as she needed to, to get to the next grade. She slept mostly through her classes and didn't mind other people's business. She also helped out in her parents shop on weekends.

Now that she's in the game and she found out she can't escape it unless she fights or dies, she shrugged it off thinking easily of it. She of course plays with the game and to be honest, she is a little excited that finally something interesting happens to her even though she could die. She plays along and tries never starts to fight without a tactic. She goes everything through her head. And she has fun playing the game.

Why do you want to survive:  

Well it's in the nature of humans trying to survive so MinMin tries it too. But she knows that there will be an enemy whom she can't escape from and maybe loses; in other words dies. But the longer the game takes the more she misses her family but still she wants to fight. After some time, she gets used to the thought that she maybe won't get out of this alive.


Besides her mind, with thousand of answers of which she thinks, she doesn't have any skills. She is rather useless. But when she figured out an enemies weakness she thinks of course of ways how to make at least that weak that she can escape or she tells her group what to do that they could defeat him.
The only thing except her mind is kicking but it's not much of a use.


+ She has two more ear piercings on her left ear.
+ Her favorite food is BiBamBap.
+ Hates fish


The Teams


B.A.P - YoungJae
MBLAQ - CheonDung
Infinite - WooHyun


He is strong and knows how to fight. He has confidence and what he does. He tries to protect those who are close to him and stays loyal to them. He doesn't trust everyone easily it takes some time till he is fully sure he can trust someone. He hates seeing people hurt so he helps them out, if he knows them or not doesn't matter to him at that moment. But actually he's totally carefree and is laidback.


He is the type of guy to get scared easily. Of course he is polite and has manners. But if someone harms his friends he can get mad. But normally he is totally calm.
When other people panic he stays calm and tries to calm down others too. He tries to make it up to anyone that he surely doesn't disappoint anyone.
He also knows how to fight but he rarely uses these kind of skills.


He is the one who thinks that everyone he does is wrong or will go wrong. He mostly doesn't try it and sits around doing nothing. He finds it funny when someone tried to scare him even it's not easy to scare him. He easily panics when he can't find a way to escape or how to go on. He is unsure about the things he does but is surely confident in his looks.  

Your ending:
She stood infront of an enemy all alone. She got separated from her group. She tried to run away but there was no use. She tried to kick the enemy but he/she was too strong for her.
(Just an example)
I don't mind dying in the story.


Nope^^   but if I have some I will ask you for sure :)


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