a second chance ❖ Application

a second chance ❖



the pastis the past                               

aff username: Sica--

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say your name: Jessica or Jazz is fine with me;)



thatperson on earth                            

name:  Shin MinMin

nickname(s): Mini, Pig and Pokey

date of birth / age:  Born on 07.03.1992. Current age is 19 years old.

height / weight:  164 cm tall and 58kg heavy.

blood type: AB

place of birth:  Namji ; South Korea

hometown: Seoul

ethnicity:  Korean


Fluent | Korean, English
Semi Fluent |  Latin



everythingyou are                                

character:  Apple of your eye


MinMin is a person who loves her freedom. Sometimes she would vanish for a entire weekend.
Even though she’s a good girl she had her own little head. She wanted to be a little freer and not so focused on work or studying and forget how great life could be. She didn’t want to become a Workaholic like her mother or any other people.  She also is a very random girl and suddenly says a word or sentence which actually doesn’t suit to the topic or grabs someone’s wrist and drags them somewhere.  She loved the nature and took care after a little flower shop with an Ahjumma beside her school.
She was good in suppressing her feelings. She never wanted that anyone cared for her. She disliked it giving her friends or family more worries than they already had their selves.  She smiled every time and never showed a sad face. But when she felt she couldn’t hold up that mask any longer, she goes away without a word. She spends times in the woods than.
She knows how to make people laugh. She knew a lot of jokes and made silly faces just to light up the atmosphere.
MinMin is also a sleepy head who like to sleep very much and live into the day. Sometimes she even falls asleep while having classes.
And sometimes she appears totally old fashioned.

But even though all this, she was really stupid. She did things which weren’t really clever and her helpfulness also was often her doom. She wanted everyone to be happy and it didn’t matter to her if she was happy or not.
And she likes to take photos a lot that she can always hold on good times because she’s afraid that some day she won’t remember it anymore.

family background / history:

Her parents both were working hard for her and her older brother. Even though it meant that they were barely at home.
Her family was very traditional. Especially her father since he had Japanese Shrine he took care of.
Her father was really sad at some times because he didn’t get to see how his children grew up to adults.

Well they started to work hard when MinMin was in the age of 8 and her brother 11. Her Brother used to a lot, and ruffled her hair when she said something wrong or when she made a task of her homework wrong. He mostly took care of MinMin. Sometimes she cooked for him when he would come home late after his University ended. They took care after each other every day. Their parents would only be a part if all this on Sundays or when they came home early.
That caused MinMin to grow up really fast and she acted mostly older than her actual age.
When she was 17her older Brother Chin Ho, who was 20, moved out, leaving MinMin alone. 
He had started a good career as a psychologist. But what he didn’t know was that MinMin was sad.
But she got used to live mostly alone, till she moved, one year later, to her own apartment in the middle of Seoul that she could easier go to school. The good thing was, she moved in with her brother.
They visited their hometown from time to time to see how everyone was doing.
Their parents had finally stopped working and enjoyed their now old live.
She lived with her brother till she died.


+ Strawberries
+ Sunflowers
+ Wide Fields
+ The smell of fresh rain
+ Star Nights
+ Windy Days


- Bad smell
- Small rooms
- Misbehavior
- Egoistic people
- Impoliteness
- Too tight up people / too serious
- too much study or work


+ she rocks herself on her feet forth and backwards when she’s waiting impatiently for someone
+ When she’s totally into something, her tongue sticks out and moves from side to side just how she moves
+ she plays with a strain of her hair when something or someone makes her nervous
+ she stares when she’s caught up in her thoughts
+ she forgets what she want to say in the middle of her sentence
+ she bites the inside of cheeks when she’s bored*
+ When she listens to music she walks with the tempo/ tact of the song



+ Photography
+ Cooking
+ Sleeping
+ Eating
+ Horse Riding
+ Astrology

fears / phobia

+ when she’s inside a locked room she gets a panic attack
+ too small rooms
+ fire (if it’s from a lighter or a small one it’s still okay)
+ Dying
+  that she will forget everything one day


+ She has two more ear piercings on her left ear
+ She hates eating fish
+ Her favorite food is BiBamBap
+ When she goes to school she has her air always in a high messed-up bun
+ She always has sweets with her. She’s like a Sweet’s Shop




reflection inthe mirror                       

appearance:   1     |     2     |     3     |       4  

ulzzang name:   Yoo Hyun Jin

backup appearance:    1      |      2     |     3    |     4

backup ulzzang name: Do Hwe Ji


Her style is not totally cute. It’s more rock like.  But she still loves to wear cute dresses or shoes.
But she prefers the quiet rock style look with a hint of cuteness in it.

  1     |      2    |      3      |     

additional details:  Please take a look on Trivia.^^




cause of death:  Suicide

reason behind death:  

Even though she loved her life, she couldn’t take the feeling of being in love with the wrong person.
She wanted that feeling to stop because it hurt her. She knew she never would be able to date him it was just wrong. All she wanted was to forget it. She didn’t know what to do. In the end she did something which she regretted.

history behind death:

Well after her brother  left she noticed she had actually fallen for him.
She just suppressed it. But when she moved in his apartment, she noticed it over and over again. One evening she had enough and was totally frustrated and wanted to prove herself he didn’t love him so she went out to get some drinks all alone.
She wasn’t wasted or something but still this feeling didn’t go away. She took her car keys and wanted to drive away somewhere where she could think about it all for a bit. She drove off into the night but she drove to fast and the motor heated up too much. First there was smoke but MinMin didn’t notice it. She drove faster and suddenly she fire. She looked down. She didn’t want to stop she knew whatever she does she won’t come out of this alive. So she picked up the pace once more as the car exploded, and crashed against a tree.

how did you feel when you found out you were dead:

It was like she just woke up from a long sleep. She felt full of energy but she noticed something was wrong. She suddenly was at the place of her death. She saw cars and a crowd of people surrounding something. As she walked closer she saw her brother crying. She didn’t know why. She heard how a police officer talked to a fireman. He said her name and what he think had happened. Somehow she couldn’t remember but as she saw her body, and her brother on the ground her eyes grew big.
She couldn’t believe it. She screamed at herself why she had done this. Everything could have been totally different. There could have been a solution to all this. 
But more importantly she now knew, she didn’t love her brother in a relationship way. She loved him in a admiring kind of way.


use of second chance;

She didn’t want people to make the same mistake like her. She wanted everyone to smile even though she was gone now. She helped her brother to find his love, also she helped their friends.
She wanted them to know life was great and wanted them to enjoy it just like her.
And she wanted to help these persons, who were in a similar situation like her.
She didn’t want any people who were close to her , to think it’s their fault she wanted to wash away these thoughts and guilt.



tilldeath do us part                               

family members:

Shin Min Jae -  44 years old - Bakery shop owner | Workaholic, Kind, strict, Lovely, nice | Mother
Shin Min Ki - 47 years old -  Architect and a little inventor | Also workaholic, Overprotective, Calm, Crazy | Father
Shin Chin Ho - 25 years old (current) - Psychologist | Organized, Plans everything, Funny, Hyper, lovely, down-to-earth | Older Brother


Friends|  Niel, Tao
Close Friends| Ricky, WooHyun , Chorong, GongChan
Best Friend|  Baro and Hyomin


SanDeul and Yong Guk

how did you meet:

MinMin was sitting on a bench in the park doing a bit of sleeping. Actually in the form she's in now, she doesn't sleep anymore but she loved it anyways.  She just came back from her brother who she took a look after because he was sick.
She saw how the fishes swam around in the little  sea infront of her.
Then someone spoke up and said "When the fishes are like this, then they are hungry. I come here and feed them daily."   MinMin smiled but as she looked around, there was no one he could talk to.
She shrugged it off but as the guy asked what her name was and why she wouldn't talk to him she was a little confused and unsure. Well in the end she was so happy someone could see her, that she spend a lot of time with him.

guide's personality:


He was totally hyper and overreacted some times.  But still he knew when to shut up and when to be serious. He was a good listener and loved being around the people he loves. He didn't like the feeling of being a alone so he would always have company with him. But when there was no one, he would go to the place he wants to go anyway. He feels when someone tried to hide something to him and is always there for his friends.
he is really trustworthy and stays loyal to his friends and of course supports them.

Yong Guk:

Yong Guk is the type of guy who thinks before he speaks. He gives of a calm atmosphere which just makes you relaxed when you're around him. He is always in deep thoughts and tries to find a answer to everything. When he begins to talk about something, he totally gets into it and forgets that he talk very much. He also has his minutes were he is all hyper but that happens rarely. He rather is silent and gives comfort with only his calm appearance. He also is loyal to his friends and tries to help them where he can.  


When MinMin is around SanDeul she feels happy. She feels like she can let go of everything. He makes her forget that she actually is just a spirit. She acts a bit childish around him from time to time but also can have serious talks with him. She takes him to places where he never was.
He's like a best friend to her and they are really close. But she can be very motherly towards him also.
She's everything to him a playmate, a supporter, a friend, a mother, a listener, a story teller,....

Yong Guk and MinMin are very comfortable. She loves listening to Yong Guk and she just loves it when he gets totally caught up in his thoughts and when he talks about them freely. She just relaxes around him.  She acts formal and adult like but Yong Guk knows better. He knew what kind of girl MinMin used to be. She likes it when he tries to have fun in life or at least when he tries to be carefree.
That's also how she acts around him; carefree.  They also like it just to lay in the grass and talk about the most random things in life.

nicknames for each other:

MinMin calls SanDeul Duckie, Bunny and Smiley while he calls her Puppy, Lady or Cookie.

YongGuk gave MinMin the nickname Candy shop and Crumb while she calls him Romeo or Dreamer



we'e cometo the end                             

queries, questions, suggestions: Till now I actually have no questions^^

password: Kiss - Because I'm a girl


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