Kahi to graduate After School

It may not show that much, but I love After School!!!! I was excited for After School's comeback on the 21st and their guesting on Running Man. Everything was smooth and well. Until I came home and saw the news about Kahi graduating After School. Ever since the rumors of garduating, fans have been scared and worried. I wasn't ready. I was never ready. Bekah's departure still seems fresh and I'm still not used to it. What more if it's Kahi?!


Kahi isn't just a member of After School. She's the leader, the appa, and probably the foundation of their group. It's like if there are two people in After School who I first knew, it was her and UEE. She isn't leaving Pledis. She'll still stay and will be promoting as a solo, which is still good. This woman had come a long way before debuting as the leader of After School. She began as a back up dancer, even for BoA. She was already in her late 20s when she debuted. hough, it never mattered, because she will always be one of the best dancers there is in Kpop. I watched a show before and she did a test and said that if she wasn't a performer, she'd be crazy. It was like she was born to be a performer, an artist. I wish the best for her career. I love her solo album and I will support her, with After School or solo. 


I think the leader position will be passed to Jungah, since she's the second eldest, but I don't think omma can handle them. As I can remember, Kahi said she's a tough leader because a lot of members have a strong personality. Kahi for me is the best leader in all girl groups. No other groups experiences or experienced what they have gone through. As a leader, it's always hard to accept new members at the beginning, but soon she loved them as her own daughters. It's probably hard as the age difference from her to the maknae greatly increases. I remember watching one show where 4 members of After School were guests, Kahi, Jooyeon, Bekah and E-Young. A psychologist(?) showed a picture of three people holding big boulders on their backs that represent the stress and burdens they have. The psychologist then said that Kahi wasn't any of those three. He unfolded the picture and showed a person carrying a boulder ten times the boulders of the three, and on top were the three members. That represent Kahi. She carries the burdens of the rest of the members that it actually worries the others. The most painful part of the show was when she said that she always confide to Bekah. It's painful to imagine how she was when it was announced that Bekah was graduating.


They said that After School will or is 'dead' beacuse of her departure. Some even said that it will just look like 'Orange Caramel with back up'. It's sad. After School had amazing songs and Bang is one of the best concepts in Kpop history. Also, Kahi was the one who suggested and helped with the choreography of the song, even the drum part. With the comeback and tour in Japan left for her to be with After School, I'm tearing up. I'll still support Kahi, but I'm scared for what the future may hold for After School. 



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Oh em Kahi, NO! You belong to After School! :((
Nooooo!!! T.T

She's the best girl idol I have evr known. Why are they taking her off AS?!?! *cries in a dark corner*
Heartbreaking </3
I'm so into Kahi now after watching Heroes && this is really </3 TT_____TT
I wish After School didn't have that graduation system. I'm glad Super Junior became a permanent group instead of having a graduation system which they have planned to begin with. Hoping for Kahi's comeback as a solo artist soon. I really liked her solo before.