Saranghaeyo Beauty Salon Application



Name:  Shin MinMin


Age: 20

Position: A Hair stylist

Height:  164 cm



 The Ulzzang is: Yoo Hyun Jin

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If someone already use this Ulzzang I would like to have: Do Hwe Ji

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MinMin always wanted her mother to make her hair extra pretty when she went to school. She always loved the cute hairstyles. As time passed her mother got old and MinMin was able to do her hair herself and got always new ideas how to make her hair it didn’t matter to her if it looked crazy or boring she had fun with it, and that was important to her. And because she made everyone’s hair every time, they told her to apply at some Salon’s and so she ended up at the ‘Saranghaeyo Beauty Salon’. A little dream of hers came true.


Even though she doesn’t look like it and is a hard working person, she loves trips to the nature. She’s a kind of old fashioned person with a wild personality. She’s very random and does what she thinks is the best. She helps out everyone. Due her old fashioned personality and randomness, she is very refreshing.



+ Strawberries
+ Playing with hair
+ Travel
+ Sunflowers
+ Wide fields
+ Nature
+ Funny stuff animals



- Bad smell
- People with no manners
- Misbehavior
- Small rooms
- Egoistic people


Philosophy on Love:

Love can brighten up the darkest days, hours, moments and the darkest Life!

Love is for MinMin a word that seemed unreachable for her. But she knows that Love is a kind of magical power that can turn bad things into good ones. She never experienced it but she can see it makes people happy and smile. She also knows that Love can make people cry. Love is a strong word for her.  If you treat love badly, it will run away from you and you will lose it but if you work on it, believe in it and treat it good, the love between people will bloom just more beautiful.
She doesn’t know what love exactly is and she knows there are different kinds of love like for videogames, animals, family, work etc. Just like her she loves her work but it’s the different kind love. She wants to experience the big and truly love that’s why she believes in Love and in Love at first sight.

MinMin‘s best friend, Yoo Min Kyoung, who just found her love. MinMin tries to figure out why they love each other. Min Kyoung tries to explain her, but MinMin just can’t seem to understand in the end her friend said:

                                                                                You will experience it your own someday 

Now she has one more Motto for love:            
Don’t try to find love, because love will find you 


Crushes or Boyfriend:


MinMin had watched TV and she saw B1A4 on stage. She always found that SanDeul was totally cute. Later on she found out she had fallen for his charms .One day she met up with her older brother Shin Chin Ho (25) and was totally late. She had to take the tube. The tube was totally full and MinMin hated that. She was afraid of it. She got pressed against someone. It was SanDeul. He saw she was scared and talked to her, joked and such just to distract her from her fear. Later the day they met again and SanDeul wanted to meet her again. She  found out that he wasn’t really her type, but she still fell for him. After some time they become a couple.  


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