I'm like really late soo...

Okay, so this was awhile back so yeahh.... and I'm like reallly late and I'm sorry but here goes nothing

Rule one: Post rules
Rule two: Answer the set of questions the taggers set for you in their post (It'll be at the bottom) and then after, make your own eleven questions

Rule three: Tag eleven  people and link them to your post

Rule four: Let them know you tagged them!


Tagged by Jasarana16

1.) Who is your no.1 bias of all KPOP stars?

Umm.. It was Gikwang but then Infinite came and like um... then I was *mumbles* dgudgj I don't know anymore! *pouts*

2.) Do you know how to speak in korean?

I wish, but I know some words. Hehe

3.) Have you tried to do a cover? (dance cover, guitar cover, etc.)

YESH! haha epic fail for sure! haha

4.) What do you think of G-Dragon?

GD is an amazing artist/composer. yeah, I'm too lazy to go in to details. hehe

5.) What is the craziest thing that you ever did?

Hummmmm..... Um I gotta say, me going to the downtown fesival say screaming "GET YOUR CHICKEN-ON-A-STICK! .... GET YOUR CHICKEN AND EGGROLLS, ONLY AT BOOTH 22!!" So embarrassing! If you don't know me, I'm quite a shy person, well, in public. But at home I'm like a wild beast, hehe

6.) Since when are you an AFF user?


7.) Who is your closest friend here on AFF?


8.) Who is your very first favorite KPOP group?

Big Bang

9.) Have you listened to a song of H.O.T.?

no, sorry

10.) How old are you?

15 hehe

11.) Last question: Do you know what is the meaning of the word 'Eobseo'?

Do I need to? hehe... no :( haha

1: Which Kpop Idol would you want to wake up to with?


2: Which Kpop Idol has currently earned a spot in your heart?


3: What kpop group has the best looking guys in your opinion?


4: Who would you kiss, marry, or pass with that group? [EX: I would Kiss: Taemin, Marry: Key, & Pass: Minho]

Kiss: Myungsoo, Marry: Woohyun, Pass: Sunggyu- sorry grandpa XP

5: What is your favorite era for your favorite kpop? [EX: MBLAQ, my favorite era is when they were doing It's war]

I would have to say B2st is the best era. Gikwang was hot in there! haha

6: What kpop group would you like to be all over you?

Either Infinite or Exo

7: What's your current favorite song? ( doesnt have to be kpop...)

Crush - Sandeul (B1A4)

8: What's your ideal date? With whom?

My ideal date? Like my dream date? Well I don't really care, for me, as long as I'm having fun and my partner the guy is having fun I guess. With whom you may asked, ummm... Chanyeol! hehe 

9: The first thing you'd do when you step feet in korea?

Well, Obviously once I step foot in korea I'll run around like a at the airport while screaming as I try to look for the exit, once I do, I run outside and take a deep breath of koreas air then kiss the concrete floors........ Just kidding. I'll just act normal when inside I'm like spazzin' like bananas.

10: What you would buy if they opened up a Kpop store in your location?



So I'm not going to do rule number 3 and 4.

Yeahh I broke the rules! Ohhh I'm such a badass (not). Well anyways... doubt that anyone will answer this but here are your questions:

1) What song is currently stuck in your head right now?


2) Where do you get your inspiration when your writing your fanfics?


3) How old are you? (I'm 15^^)


4) What season do you like the best and why? (like winter, fall, spring, summer)


5) Ever been to your favorite bands concert? (If you have, me jelly! haha)


6) If you were to marry an idol, which one would it be and why?


7) Ever talked/seen to your bias in real life?


8) Where do you live? (I live in the states^^)


9) What do you do for fun?


10) Whats your ethnicity?(I'm viet)


11) Do you see yourself in 12 years from now still listening to kpop?


Please do feel free to answer it if you want. OR if your bored! hehe


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