Unstoppable Application


Character Information

Name: Ethan Park / Park Jun Min

Age: 24

Ethan is pretty tall (181cm) and is very muscular and strong. He has an oval shaped face, with small, straight nose, plump lips and almond shaped hazel eyes. He has a rather simple fashion sense. He wears what he finds comfortable and suitable for himself and his job. He doesn’t like anything that attracts too much attention or is uncomfortable. Amongst everything, he prefers jeans or casual pants paired up with a comfy T-shirt or even V-neck shirts. He has a bit of a bad boy style as he also likes to wear leather jackets along with biker boots. He doesn’t like wearing any unnecessary accessories but he still wears an earring on his right ear as well as a medallion with the pictures of his family around his neck.

Ulzzang: | 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 |

Uzzang name: Shin Ho Seok

Back up Ulzzang: Park Jae Hyun

As a kid, Ethan was a very cheerful and happy person. He had everything anyone could ask for but he wasn’t spoiled not even one bit. In fact, he cherished every single thing he had. However, that side of him changed years ago due to the terrible changes that were happening in his family. It caused Ethan to change drastically as well.
Now, as an adult, Ethan is a very quiet and mysterious person. He keeps his thoughts to himself and acts cold and distant. Despite that he is a very obedient person and a very good listener. Doesn’t talk much, doesn’t complain, and just sees things as they are or they should be. Typical AB type of person. He’s a perfectionist, hates making mistakes and is a type of person that believes that whatever he can always be better than he already is. He can be a loyal, trustworthy friend to those who earn his trust, which is quite hard. He does not take anything for granted and likes to earn things with his own two hands. He can be quite stubborn at times and likes to do things his way. He’s not easy to provoke as he has no true concern for himself, but he does care about those he loves, especially his family and if anyone messes with them, they mess with him. He’s not an out-going person; he doesn’t hold any grudges and avoids any unnecessary fights even though he knows if someone attacked him he would be able to take them down without much energy wasted. He acts though and hard-to-get and makes sure he never shows his weak side where people can play him and humiliate him and where he’s hiding his emotions. However, deep down, Ethan is a kind and gentle man who loves kids, has a lot of patience and is rather humorous. There’s not many people who have seen this side of him, because to get a chance to see it, that person has to be someone Ethan can trust with his own life.

Ethan was born in New York City, USA as a middle child to a common, well-mannered and lovely family. They lived a perfect and happy life until Ethan’s mother died while giving birth to Ethan’s 4 years younger brother. This event saddened the family but they never blamed it on the youngest because it wasn’t his fault. Nevertheless, Ethan’s father, who was a police officer, promised to himself to take good care of his three young children. He worked hard, hoping to provide his family with everything they needed and wanted, but he still made sure to provide his kids the family love they needed the most. Ethan had a relatively normal childhood for the most of his life. However, that didn’t last either.
When Ethan has just turned 11, his father suddenly got him, his brother and sister on a plane for Germany. He never told his kids why they had to leave the country but the kids weren’t stupid. They knew someone was after their father since he was a head of the police in NYPD. In fact, just as the kids boarded the plane, they watched their father getting shot while waving at them on the terminal. Of course, it was a shock for them. When they landed in Leipzig, Germany, they were taken in by their aunt who heard what happened. Ethan and his siblings were affected by their father’s death very badly and they were taken to psychiatrists. Ethan managed to recover from shock relatively faster than his sister and brother did. However, he has changed as a person and became a lot stronger, taking it his responsibility to take care of his siblings.
The rest of his childhood and teenage years, Ethan has spent in Germany, the loss of his father inspiring him to become a police officer and bring the criminals that killed his father to justice. He trained hard, becoming a very good policeman and when he finished his training at the age of 22, Ethan moved with his younger brother to South, Korea, where his parents were from.

Park Gyu Seok | Father | Police Officer/Head of NYPD |  deceased at the age of 45
- was killed by a group of criminals he had an investigation on
Park Min Ja | Mother | Music Teacher | deceased at the age of 31
- died of a cancer, while giving birth to her youngest son
Hwang  Min Sa | Aunt | 45 | Restaruant Manager | Alive

Andrea Park / Park Dae Jin | Sister | 28 | Teacher | Alive
- is married and has a child
- used to visit psychiatrist after witnessing her father’s death
Eric Park / Park Sun Min | Brother | 20 | College Student | Alive 
- lives with his Ethan
- used to visit psychiatrist after witnessing his father’s death

Languages: Korean (fluent), English (fluent), German (fluent), Japanese (conversational)


  • Reptiles
  • Failure
  • Lossing someone close to him


  • Motorcycles
  • Honest people
  • Cooking
  • Sports
  • Dancing
  • Night shifts
  • Justice
  • Death Note series
  • Kids
  • Dominance
  • Neat places


  • Cruelty
  • People touching his things
  • Losing someone/something precious to him
  • Failure/Mistakes
  • Liars
  • Murderers/Criminals
  • Reptiles
  • Being ignored
  • Crying in public
  • Doctors; especially psychiatrists


  • Motorbike riding
  • Working out
  • Kickboxing
  • Cooking
  • Dancing


  • Chews his lower lip when nervous or worried - sometimes even to the point it bleeds
  • Pinches the bridge of his nose when thinking, frustrated or annoyed
  • Takes long rides on his motorbike when he needs some space or if he can’t sleep
  • Swears in German when angry
  • Whistles while cooking or doing housework

Job or relationship with kids: Was trained as an undercover police agent in Germany but at the moment he works as a police officer ; Having a younger brother who still acts like a child makes him very confident and comfortable around children.

Interesting facts:

  • Suffers from insomnia (lack of sleep)
  • Lived in Germany for 10 years before finally moving to Korea with his younger brother
  • Has a fast metabolism – no matter how much he eats, he can’t gain weight
  • Has a pet dog – Alaskan Malamute Dora
  • Has one tattoo under his left collarbone saying ‘Love Faith Live’ and another one on his right biceps saying ‘Family First’
  • Has a scar on his right shoulder blade after being shot at one of his first missions as a policemen

Crush: Choi MinHo (SHINee)

Backup Crush: Jung YunHo (TVXQ)

Crush apperanceMinHo

Backup Crush apperanceYunHo

Crush personality: MinHo can be quite a brat at times. He’s self-centred and likes seeking attention which can annoy the hell out of people. He’s very stubborn and never gives up when he wants something. However, in his heart, MinHo is a hopeless romantic with a big heart and is very sensitive. He can be very childish at times and doesn’t like being ignored. He hates seeing people hurt and would do anything for those he cares about. When he opens up to someone, he expects from that person to cherish his trust and never to try and play him.

Backup Crush personality: YunHo is a typical know-it-all. He’s a stuck up, rich boy who hates being wrong. When he wants something, he wants to make sure he will get it. He’s very hot-headed, easily gets jealous and hates when someone is messing with him or his ‘property’. However, this all is because he’s very overprotective over those he cares about. He knows how to show someone that he cares about them and is rather kind and gentle when he wants to be. He’s the type of a person that blames himself for all problems in his relationships.

Requests: Lots of action! Lol~ what am I saying? Ofc, there’s gonna be loads of action…>.< And add some fluffy and cutsie parts here and there, neh? ;)

Comments, anything else?: Can’t wait for the story!!!! Finally some action in my life! I got bored of and supernatural and I was like ‘I GOTTA APPLY!’ >.< Glad I did ^^ And I tried to make this app look kinda different from the previous one (Hollow Asyulum one) except the crush xP lol

I give chu a cookie for applying :D: *while munching on the cookie* No worries! I’ll apply for your stories any time…Especially when there’s a cookie as a reward ;P


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lol thank you....BTW that cute doggie is TVXQ YunHo's dog (or YooChun's I'm not sure)....but anyway eaither one...they really know how to pick their pets ;P
Aw he's so sweet :) i feel bad for his parents though :( Oh my aeoifgbwejhbvdweuooirhfg98432thgbfuirjhbf that is like one of the cutest dogs in the world xD Thanks for applying :D check the characters page cause he'll be up there !