Q and A - B2ST_HyunSeung


Q and A

Tagged by B2ST_HyunSeung


1) [How did you first encounter K-POP and/or J-ROCK?]

My friend showed me "Sorry Sorry". I absentmindedly decided to watch "Ring Ding Dong" because it was in the sidebar on youtube, and after listening to their music like a crazy person, I fell in love with SHINee.

2) [Would you rather have a pet giraffe, or a pet tiger? (I'm bored, okay?)]

Um I think I would rather have a pet giraffe because giraffes are tall and less likely to kill me. ^^

3) [Who is your favorite K-Popper or J-Rocker? (My favorite K-Popper is Zhou Mi and J-Rocker is Ruki from the The Gazette) And why?]

My favorite K-Popper is Key, and I don't really listen to any J-Rock, but I like Orange Range, Tommy February6, and Perfume.

4) [Who is your favorite Maknae in any group?]

Probably Evilkyu. <3 him. ^^

Sorry Taeminie.

5) [Who would you want to have an arranged marriage with?]

What? No one. I'll only marry if I find someone I truly love, not just someone I am infatuated with that I have never actually met.

6) [What is your definition of, "cute", or "lovable"?]

Sungminie! <3 X)

He's the ageyo king after all.

7) [What was your lifetime goal when you were a kid?]

I wanted to become a singer.

Still do.

8) [Have any annoying or irritating siblings? (All three of mine are -.-)]

Aren't all siblings annoying or irritating? ^^ LOL

My little brother and older sister can be irritating sometimes. I have 5 siblings by the way.

Michael, Suzanne, Hanna, Danielle, and James. I'm in between Hanna and Danielle.

9) [ Your overall bias?] 

Key!!!!!! <3


10) [Do you like any American or British groups? (I like One Direction)]

Yeah, I listen to both British and American music.

-All types of American music (except country music)

I listen to mostly Alternative, pop, and older rock

-The Beatles, Lily Allen, Mika...

11) [Have you ever been to a school dance with a date? (I have..)]

Nope. :P

School dances .








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