Chunji and L.Joe's "fight" scene

I don't think I'm the only one who thinks this scene is a bit... off.

I have seriously replayed it a million times, and every time I see it, the more it looks like they are about the make-out. I really don't have any ships for Teen Top, but their relationship intrigues me. I have heard that Chunjoe was a popular ship, but I never really thought much of it. I think I may need to start looking around for Chunjoe moments.

Who knows? It could be one of my OTPs one day. ^^

Damn. I think it already is one of my OTPs. 


Seriously... I can't even... *Dies*









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lol random person here, saw one of the pics in google but YES IM NOT THE ONLY ONE CHUNJOE .
Holy! I don't know this group at all...but it looked like, they were about to kiss at the end O.O Sweet 8D
I love Teen Top, and I always shipped N.A.P, but I'm starting to ship ChunJoe harder even since that moment in the video. xD
i have agrees