The Hobbit - Minicourse Play

Okay, so I have minicourses right now, and we have been putting together the play "The Hobbit" over a two-week period.

It more than you could possibly imagine.

But whatever.

It's also hell.

I wanted to kill one of the directors with hellfire.

And maybe mutilate the charred corpse.

But I'm over that now.

Anyways, we just found out that we need to make three keys for the jail cell.

And these three keys are going to be painted gold.

So, in a moment of inspiration, I cracked a joke to the girl making the keys - a fellow K-Pop fan.

Do you see where I'm going with this?

Here it is:

"Hey Campbell! Those keys are gonna be shiny!" I said.

"What?" she replied.

"Those keys are going to be shiny," I said, clearly emphasizing "keys" and "shiny."

"Oh!" she shouted.

*Hysterical laughter from the pair of us while my friends sit there not understanding it*


I really hope you get it, but just in case.

The Keys are going to be SHINee.

Just thought I'd share that.


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