I don't even know what to call this

I'm not saying Republicans are bad.

I'm pretty sure my mom is a registered Republican.

But whatever.

I'm just saying that I can't be happier about Santorum's dropout and I hope to the ends of the universe that Romney loses.


Besides the fact that he's a complete and utter idiot, he failed to support policies, laws, and ideas that do/could/would improve life for African-Americans, LGBT, women, and middle and lower class people.

And can I please mention the tampons? Pretty please with a cherry on top?

Who in their right mind would believe that tampons give women pleasure? Some of them are already as uncomfortable as he wants to make maxi-pads.

Moving on.


How can you say you support gays and gay marriage if you don't believe in their rights? And giving the upper class tax cuts won't solve anything. If we were to make any changes to the taxes of the upper class, we should increase them. It's the middle and lower classes that struggle with their taxes.

The only people who would benefit from his election would be white, conservative men.

And did anybody else watch that video of Romney sitting down at a table with the gay veteran and his husband, asking them to vote against gay marriage?

Yeah. And he wants to be our president.

He might be a good leader in some aspects, but he's not the right man to be the frickin' President.

I would say more, but I have other things to do. I just really needed to talk about this for a moment.



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