Reasons why I haven't been updating frequently


Hey guys, so I just wanted to update you on why the updates have been slow. 

Besides the on-off writers block and my mood swings, I am also stressed because of my dog.


I actually have two dogs, one shih tzu (Kisses) & a labrador (Labby), both females. My labrador has a mammary tumor and recently it turned into a big bump . A few days ago it burst and has been bleeding. We've rushed her to the vet twice in less than 5 days because of that, she has her wound open and it has been bleeding. 

(Picture was just after the first incident, happened last Wed. She's still happy :) )

Earlier at 3am, my mom woke me up and showed me that Labby was able to take gauze off yet again and her wound open thus scarily bleeding. The blood just looked like the ones you see on crime scenes, I held her face to stop and the blood from transferred to my arms/hands. I was shaking and panicky while my mom had palpitations. My dad and I brought her to a vet and again they just fixed her dressing (I felt like a surgeon when I change her dressing.haha)  and advised us to let her have surgery within the week.

We've been going to the vet about her condition for the past few weeks or so. Later, we'll be going to one of the 'best' vets in the Metro to get his third opinion.  

So I've been helping my parents about that, weighing the pros-cons, other options, other doctors, etc. You see, my family and I really treat/see our dogs as part of the family so anything that happens to them seriously affects us. Maybe that's why I have a story put up that is related to pets which is (wait for it...shameless plug) I fell for my vet, she fell for my pet

I will try to update very soon. 


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Awww I hope she gets better.
hope she'll be better already. :)
Thank you everyone!!♥ ♥ ♥ We've brought her to the vet (confined for the night) and awaiting blood test results. If everything is clear, she'll be having her surgery tonight or tomorrow morning.

I appreciate the kind words :)So glad to have you as my support system <3
Hope she gets better soon <3
Gagaling din yan.. Just Don't lose hope. :))
chenle #6
Awwwwwwwwwww. FIGHTING!
*hugs nadine* gagaling din sya ne!!!
fighting!!! and i will watch out for your story!!
Gosh....hope your dog will be alright!
Totally can understand how is your dog meant so much to your family because I used to have shih Tzu but she died last year and until now i still do not have the courage to get another dog.
Pray for your dog!!!
I hope your dog gets better <3! Keep me updated with how she's doing.
Oh. Mianhe about that. I shall try and pray for her. :(