Scarring the Junior High's section kids in front of the haunted house

So... Just like the title of the blog post, I made the junior high's kids felt scared in front of the haunted house, that was made by my friends, and sunbaes at my school. You see, I didn't scare them like pretending to be the ghost. Wait, scratch that. I DO WORK as the ghost. It's just that, the highschoolers are supposed to be having the remedial exams (if they have some bad grades though), but no one really guard the entrance of the haunted house. So.... THOSE BRATS (sorry there kids, but it's a secret and you can't take a peek, except if you pay to try the haunted house) take a peek to the haunted house we made. We knew about it from my friends little sister, whose in the Junior High Section Japanese Club. I was panicking and I don't know what to do, because it was our hard work to made the haunted house, and we can't keep those brats to take a peek on it. It's not fun if they give some strangers the spoilers about the haunted house. No one will feel the thrill. When I walked to check the haunted house, I saw 4 BRATS peeking on the haunted house, I don't know what to do because they almost walked in into the haunted house. So, I yelled,




They saw me walking fastly towards them and they ran away from me and my friends. To tell you the truth, I'm not the person that CAN REALLY say things like that to kids. Because, I feel like I'm being a mean person if I do that. But, the haunted house is our, and my sunbaenims result of hard work. So we can't really let them take a peek. I closed the entrance of the haunted house, and waited long with my friend. Those kids still stands near the haunted house, but was scared because I yelled (somehow) to them. After a while (as I walked to some classes to find my missing lunch box), those kids already gone, and some of my friend blocked the entrance and the exit by pushing some lockers in front of the entrance and a table and some chairs in front of the exit.




I think the Haunted House is really scary. Because, there was a rumors that when the building; which we use for the haunted house, was made, there are a lot of people get into some accidents; which made some of the workers die.The room is dark too, and it gives you some freaky and cold feelings. And when I was working as the ghost, I feel really scared, because the source of the BGM for the haunted house is next to me. It feels really creepy




I wonder how I will survive tomorrow if we open the haunted house again.


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Kill-the-Emotions #1
@theheartaches Yea, I feel scared too even though I worked as the ghost. I yelled too today when I was working, because my friend scare me with her make up. Tsk, what a friend (sarcastic)(kidding friend). I feel bad though, because I scare them, making me looks like a mean senior. I think the visited the haunted house today, and be little brats who curses in front of their senior; feeling scared. Tsk... What a juniooooor
Haunted houses scare me. Good job scaring the kids, I would have done that too if they were taking a peek into my haunted house