Why Am I Such An Idiot



Why am I such an idiot for crying out loud?!?!

So I bought Body Paint for the last day of school... I have no idea how to apply it. Looks like a powder but will I need water? I should rather just lie down and wait for death. My mom is in London atm, and she's only one who knows how to do this. I tried calling her but she's not answering. SOB ;u;

I need to have it on tomorrow since I am going to be a warlock with my best friend. And she will be blue and I metallic silver.

Saying that I'm having a bad day is an understatement... I'm also the one whose supposed to be bring pancakes for the brunch with my class, and guess what? The pancakes are ing burnt. I'll have to wake up in the morning to go down buy some, but fortunately my other friend wants to join me. This is somewhat comforting since then I will not be the only aggressive crazy girl with weird clothes down hunting for pancakes - my friend is going to a pirate and she needs to buy syrup for my burned pancakes... 


I won't be updating the one-shot this weekend. One, I'll be at a party. Two, I am having my own 16 birthday and I'm not even excited. I don't want to become 16, it suuuuucks. People have been so secretive lately T.T

So depressed in so many ways. If you think those are the only things wrong right now you're in for a surprise. Although I shall shut my mouth, I just needed to let it out. And I don't care who reads this. 

, tomorrow is the last day of school. "#€%&/@! I have been waiting 10 years for this and now that it's coming I don't even know what to do. 


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