F3 DAYS : application form : Seo Juri


AFF Username: BesoFinal
AFF Link: here!
What name to call you?: Besofinal
Activeness: 9

 ( / Seo Ju-ri / )

Character name: Seo Ju-ri
Nicknames: Seri, Juu, Jux
Age: 19 years old. ( but will turn 20 this year. )
D.O.B: August the 28th 1992.
Year of the: Monkey.
Zodiac Sign: Virgo.
Birth Place: Incheon, Korea.
Hometown: Incheon, Korea.
Ambition: Giving no care in problems!
Ethnicity: Korean.
Language(s): Fluent in Korean. Basic in Chinese and Japanese.

This girl was born enthuastic, talkative and expressive, with a will to not miss a single moment of happines. Other then that, Seo Juri is a determined and yet spontanues girl that has ever since her early childhood liked to talk a lot and be hard-working. Despite her young age, she has learnt a lot about what kind of person she actually is, just because of her many experiences with people. She's definetly a hyper person though, but will sometimes keep those parts of her hidden. When she gets into a great mood though, the more childish and dorky part of Juri that just likes to have fun comes out. In those moments, she can easily begin to act like a kid, making weird noises and always smiling or laughing. She dislikes routines and often wants to be much more expressive then that.

But only because Juri is able to speak her mind, she's not that outgoing with her own feelings and she actually hates to share them with people. When there is such situations, where people ask if she's sad/angry/depressed, she tends to raise her mental capacity max high and never want show her weak sides. Juri begins to babble unneccesary words, just because her talking might become a way out of the, according to her, awkward conversation and lead into a happier conversation. But don't get fooled by that, Juri is actually a very friendly and social person, but sometimes she easily gets confused about her feelings and gets a bit unknowing/nervous around people who wants her to share them with them. Because she makes so much efforts into hiding her feelings and is so careful about it, she easily gets very tired and lazy afterwards. But it is not only with hiding feelings she does this. She often pushes herself to her limit, and later on falls down into a coma. This is Juris' way of handling things. Therefore she needs to rest much more then the other members after stages/concerts/shows, where feelings might show up all the time. The reason for her acting like this is because she always wants to make a good first impression on people, but also because she's afraid she might be considered weak or strange. 

Juri may often find herself in the role of the classical ''peacemaker''. She is usually quite generous and warm, but why she gained that certain role is mostly because she tries to solve the fights between the certain people by carefully handling them on her own strong ways. She is also very observant of other people, and is able to sense what is wrong with the situation before others might do. Both of these things have caused Juri to be an especially good team player, but also a reliable friend.

Background –
Juri was born in Incheon, Korea as the second child of the Seo family. During her childhood, she was a bright and cheerful girl that loved doing gymnastics on her free time. As she grew older though, she became more and more expressive but also mature. Her brightness faded away a bit, but it is still there. Other then that, her child hood was pretty normal. She wasn't the most popular of kids in school, since she didn't always like to share herself with other children. Shortly after beginning gymnastics, she also began to love dancing.
When she finally became a YG trainee in 2009, her mother opposed to the practices that sometimes would take place all afternoons plus nights and it often came periods where Juri risked to drop out of the training process, just because her mother worried a lot. But it was thanks to Juris' father that she was able to stay. He knew all along that Juri was meant to follow her path of being a trainee, just to help her be more expressive but also self-confident.
- Food. She got her love for food thanks to her dad, who works as a chef at a Korean resturant. There's no single moment when Juri will skip a oppurtunity to eat food, just because she loves it so much. Meat is the type of food she can pracically crave all the time.
- Some comfortable and good-looking sneakers. She just loves to have some comfy shoes walking aroun in: otherwise, she can get a bit cranky because shoes such as high-heels might hurt.
- Board games. This is something old-school about Juri, because she loves playing games that are much more classical. She often wants to play with her members these sort of games, just because their cozy and easy.
- Road trips. Especially trips that are made on buses or trains. On those trips, she usually has so much free time, and often sleeps, listens to some music or talks excidetly to another member.
- Chocolate and other sweets. She can easily eat a whole chocolate bar in one minute, but also other sweets. Her members get jealous of her, since she never really gains much weight despite her passion for candy. The reason is most likely because she works out often.
- Exercise. Juri loves to stay heatlhy, and this is a great way of doing it.
- Cooking. Since she loves food, and got a dad who is a chef, Juri got her own little talent which is cooking. She often does it at the dorms for her members.
- Fruits. A girl who likes to stay healthy and loves food, must love fruits right? She always brings a fruit with her as a snack, wherever she might go. Mango, watermelon and apples are her favorite sorts of fruit.
- Rest. She easily gets tired and will always rest if there's an oppurtonity to do it.
- Coffe. Her happy pill of the day: so therefore she loves coffee.
Dislikes :
- Babies. They're annoying to Juri and she can't stand them, mostly because of their personalities: being greedy and selfish. One thing then she dislikes more then babies, is carrying babies.
- Animals in general. Especially farm animals (chickens mostly) and cats are not one of Juris favorite things in the world. She dislikes their blank eyes but also their strange appearance.
- Ice. Juri is terrified of stepping on ice and would rather go 10 metres extra just to skip walking on it. This has also caused Winter to be Juris least favorite season.
- Skating. Well, if she is afraid of stepping on ice, why would she enjoy skating on it?
- Farms. Juri might seem like a care-free girl, but she does not like staying on farms, just because of the bad smells but also the animals on them.
- Boats. She easily gets seasick.
- Greedy people. Those that don't lend money or other things are very annoying in Juris eyes.
- Live fish. She likes it when they're dead and eatable, but if they're alive, Juri is terrified of them.
- Cleaning. It's possible for her to do it, but since she dislikes routines, cleaning her room/the groups dorm is something she rarely looks forward to or doesn't enjoy at all.
- Exercising.
- Swimming at local gyms.  
- Writing down random lyrics.
- Practicing gymnastics.
- Listenting to music.
- Sketching landscapes.
- Resting.
- Watching Korean dramas.
- She uses a lot of hand gestures when speaking. Especially when she needs to explain something.
- Her tounge often sticks out when she's asleep. If it's not sticking out, she instead murmurs words when sleeping that doesn't make sense.
- Fiddling with her armbands and talking in a low tone when she's nervous.
- She's quite clingy on people and often rests her head/arm/leg on someone elses shoulders/legs/arms.
- She can easily start being whiny whenever she gets scared. In the end, if there's too much scariness going on around her, some tears might even be shed.
- If she ever gets angry, she will glare at the person she's angry at for a long time before actually confronting them.
- I warn you.. She is REALLY bad at speaking English! Her accent is very visible when speaking the language and knowing the language is also quite hard for Juri. She likes listening to American music though, so it might improve in the future.
- She can easily sound like a fool when she laughs, just because her laughter is sort of goofy and dorky.
- She is considered sort of a coward, because she is afraid of so many things (mostly animals: like fishes and chickens, but also ice.).
- She has a talent for cooking.
- She practiced a lot of gymnastics when she was younger and also joined a gymnastics team. But when she became a trainee, she had to quit training with the team, but she still practices it sometimes on her own today.
- Thanks to her gymnastic training, she is extra flexible and knows how to do a lot of arobatic tricks, like tumbling.
Does your character use profanities? Always ( She likes to express herself, what can I say? )
What language does your character use for profanities?  Korean
BAND: Sugababes
SONG: Sugababes - Ugly
FOOD: Bulgogi
TYPE OF SHOES: Colorful sneakers
K-POP GROUP: Former k-pop group ''Jewelry''
MOVIE: The Good, The Bad and the Weird
ACTOR: Lee Byung Hun
FOOD: Strawberry rice cakes
SPORT: Gymnastics
ATHLETE: Shin Soo-ji

Height: 163 cm
Weight: 46 kg
Ulzzang / Model name: Lee Dasom
Ulzzang / model pictures: 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5
Back-up Ulzzang / Model name: Park Hwan Hui / Park Hwan Hee / Hana
Back-up Ulzzang / Model pictures: 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5
Casual : 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5
Formal/Special Occasions: 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5
Sleeping Wear: 1 • 2 • 3
Practice : 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5

MEET MY FAMILY! 가족을 만나보세요.
Name: Seo Mi-hyun
Age: 47
Birthday: 16th of May, 1965
Personality: She's quite serious and likes to have control of most situations. But she's also very caring and tends to care more about her family/friends then herself.
Relationship with your character:  Mihyun was the one who was against Juri joining the entertainment industry, but finally gave since she saw how much Juri actually wanted this. She's still doubtful though and worries a lot for the maknae of her family.
Dead or Alive: Alive
Name: Seo Ki-gyu
Age: 53
Birthday: 2nd of January, 1959
Personality: Despite his old age, he is probably the most childish one of the family: he especially loves teasing or pranking her daughters.
Relationship with your character: Juri loves her dad to death. She keeps saying she's very thankful for her dad for being such a inspiration to herself.
Dead or Alive: Alive
Age: 21
Birthday: 8th of February, 1991
Personality: She's very intelligent, friendly and mature: she's also planning to be a doctor so all she ever does is studying.
Relationship with your character: Since she studies so much, she barely has time to meet up with her younger sister. But when they meet up, they're very friendly and caring to each other. Juri keeps nagging on her sister though that she should have more fun, while Suyoung on the opposite nags on Juri to study even more.
Dead or Alive: Alive                            
Best Friend
Name: Dara (from 2NE1)
Age: 27
Birthday:  12th of November, 1984
Personality: She is both cheerful and cool with a slight touch of being a prankster. Being around Dara is very fun, especially to Juri. They often give advices to each other or just hang out.
Name: Himchan (from B.A.P)
Age: 22
Birthday: 19th of April, 1990
Personality:  He is quite calm but also caring and social. It's impossible for Himchan and Juri to fight and they get along very well.
I WILL WIN! 저는이길겁니다!
Reason: They go to the same school: and well, let's just say that both of them got strong personalities. There's a lot of rivalry between these two: mostly because they are both into dancing and singing. When Juri gets a chance to debut, Hyolim got a bit shocked at first but latern on jealous.
I LOVE YOU! 사랑해!

Name: Lee Junho (from 2PM)
Personality: Junho is a guy who is very focused and cool: he rarely gets any stress and is pretty care-free. He loves dancing and will probably love it until he dies.
But he has a downside and that is being a bit cocky. He's also not afraid of taking things that he wants for himself, which might make others *cough*the2pmmembers*cough* a bit annoyed. But he's still got a very very refreshing and positive personality, so that makes up to it. He's definetly not shy and talks a lot.
How do you act each other?: Since they're both talkative, you expect it to go all well between them right?
If they ever meet, they turn into the opposites of their true personalitites.
You know how much people might change when your crush is around them? That's exactly how these two act around each other: shy, awkward and not so talkative, which is a big diverse from both of their true personalities. Why they do act like this, is probably because they don't want to look so dumb for the other one and therefore they turn very careful when with each other. If they begint to talk though, they begin the conversation with being sweet to each other, and when the conversation has moved forward a bit, they start joking, teasing and talking much more freely with each other. In those moments, they also get very care-free around each other.
What’s your relationship?: People around them, especially their group members, tease them since it's pretty obvious that they're crushing on each other. But Juri and Junho doesn't really care about it and just keeps on doing what they're doing: having a sweet and enjoying relationship that have a big chance of developing into something bigger then just being friends.
Do you keep in contact?: Sometimes
If yes, how?: Through text messages/phone calls and meeting up behind-stage.
WATCH ME SHINE! 나를 빛나게 조심해!
DISCLAMER: YOU WILL NOT BE LABELED/STEREO TYPED in the STORY. This section will just tell me how you want your character to be like. :* 
8 - Bold is most wanted to be
1 - Least wanted to be
[5] The Face– The one who has many fans. But she doesn’t date any of them in order of being an idol. A good girl with the face that boys would swoon over. Charm: Prettiness.
[1] The Smart One– Her score is always 3 digits. Only sometimes she got 2 digits. She’s not so popular, just like normal girls. Charm: Smartness.
[4] The School President– Teachers’ hands. She’s known as the School President even tough every School President likes to scold or what. This School President is kind. Charm: Kindness.
[3] The Fashionita– She loves fashion, she got the money, she got the trend and of course girly. Even though like that she’s well-behavioral. Charm: Her fashion sense and trend.
[6] The Tomboy– Her friends are boys. She only has 4-5 girl friends. She is fun too boys but sometimes to boyish to girls. Charm: Her boyish side.
[8] The Athlete– She’s school’s hands in sport. She won the first place in national and international competition. But due to trainee times she couldn’t follow any competition again. Her body is perfect and face also. Charm: Her ability in sports.
[7] The School Hater– She’s rich, she got the money, cars, house, and face everything. But she hates school and wants to do music. She took courses in replace for not coming to school. Charm: How naïve she is in not continuing school.
[2] The Forgotten– The lonely girl. She’s always bullied without a reason. Secretly she became SM trainee even though she’s still bullied and all alone. Charm: Patience.
Your character is from … School: Pick 1-8 randomly. :D
[] Hwagok High School (17 – 18)
[]Yeom Kwang High School (17 – 18)
[]Daegu Youngshin High School (17 – 18)
[]Hanlim Arts High School (17 – 18)
[]Byeongjeom High School (17 -18)
[]Dong Duk Female High School (17 – 18)
[4]Sangmyeon University ()
[1]Dongshin University ()
[2]Dankook University ()
[3]Howon University ()
[5]Hanyang University ()
[6]Chungwoon University ()
How did you get into YGent?: Her first two auditions for YGent were both made in 2008, but she was not accepted on either of them. But since she is a determined girl, she decided that YGent is the company she wants to be in, and should therefore try until she will get in. She waited one additonal year and finally made a third audition for YGent in 2009. She was ultimately accepted.
What year did YGent asked you to join YGent?: Late 2009
[] Leader
[]Main Dancer
[]Lead Dancer    
[]Main Rapper
[]Lead Rapper
[]Main Vocal
[]Lead Vocal
Back-up position:
[]Main Dancer
[]Lead Dancer
[]Main Rapper
[]Lead Rapper
[]Main Vocal
[]Lead Vocal
Individual fan club name: Youngsters
Individual fan club color: Dark purple - #660066
Fan Club Chant: ''Always Juri, always free!''
Last But Not Least...
Suggestion?: Maybe some fan wars/ANTI stuff going on in the beginning? Everything can't be really perfect for rookies.. But I still want F3 Days to of course have lots of sweet fans!
Comment or question?: None!
Scene Request?: Might tell you later if it's ok :)
Single Commercial/CF request?: Commercial for Nintendo DS? :D
Boyfriend Request?: Her love interest, Junho from 2PM, maybe? ^__^




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Aw thank you!! That means a lot :D
My favorite application of all time. OwO